Create a Gallery of Sample Exception Reports in ITRM Report Center

To create a gallery of sample exception reports, perform the following steps:
  1. Open ITRM Report Center.
  2. In the Gallery workspace, click My Galleries and Albums in the left pane.
  3. Click the New icon (New Icon). Select New Gallery.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the new gallery. Click Next to advance to the page where you can select the primary filters for the gallery.
  5. Click Domain Category. Then check the ITRMDomainIntelligence box. This action moves that domain category to the Selected Items list.
  6. Click Keywords to display the entries in that folder. Then check the box next to the Exception.
  7. Click Next to display the Secondary Filters page of the wizard. On this page, you can click Finish to create the gallery.
Note: All sample exception reports include the domain category ITRMDomainIntelligence and the keyword Exception. If this domain category and keyword do not appear as available options in your ITRM Report Center session, then the sample exception reports are no longer on your SAS Content Server. Contact your systems administrator for assistance.