Report Properties of Performance Reports

The expanded list of report properties of a selected report is displayed if you click the Properties icon (Properties Icon) in the Gallery workspace.
Expanded List of Properties
Expanded List of Properties
The expanded list of the report properties of performance reports consists of these items:
  • Report Title
  • Domain Category
  • Domain Subcategory
  • Report Type (list of BY variables such as Date, Machine, and so on)
  • Keywords
  • Job Schedule Frequency
  • IT Data Mart Name
  • Job Name
  • Data Source
  • Data Path
    Note: The Data Path is available if you store the data path with report definitions that you create. Data paths are not stored with supplied report definitions.
  • Process Flow
  • Transformation Name
  • Report Definition
  • Report Author
  • Expire After
  • Report URL
Note: Some properties might not appear if they were not defined by the user.