About This Book


SAS IT Resource Management Report Center (hereafter called ITRM Report Center) provides information about the performance and capacity of IT infrastructures. This information addresses the needs of particular groups of people based on their roles and the tasks that they perform in an enterprise.
SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Report Center Guide is designed for the following users:
  • Members of the IT Resource Management Users group are the information consumers who are responsible for analyzing IT performance and capacity data and making decisions based on that data. These users are business people who are interested in the overall performance aspects of IT at a company. They often function as system architects, IT managers, line of business IT administrators, and IT executives. Information consumers use the reports that are generated by SAS IT Resource Management and often access them from the office as well as from remote locations.
    Information consumers typically use the documentation that is found in SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Overview and in this document, SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Report Center Guide.
  • Members of the IT Resource Management Administrators group are IT performance analysts who are responsible for analyzing IT performance data, designing and creating reports that communicate IT intelligence, and making those reports available in ITRM Report Center to information consumers. These users analyze this data in order to best benefit the business and to improve the utilization, availability, and performance of IT resources and the IT enterprise. Performance analysts often function as capacity planners, system administrators, and business analysts.
    Performance analysts typically use the documentation that is found in SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Reporting Guide, although they might refer to all SAS IT Resource Management documentation.
  • Data administrators are responsible for administering the IT Resource Management data marts and setting up the jobs that stage and aggregate IT performance data so that report-ready data is available for generating reports. Data administrators typically deploy and schedule the batch production jobs that prepare and generate the IT performance reports. They often function as IT performance managers and capacity planners.
    Data administrators typically use the documentation that is found in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Administrator's Guide, although they usually refer to all SAS IT Resource Management documentation.


Prerequisites for using SAS IT Resource Management are
  • An operating environment that includes SAS IT Resource Management software.
  • A user ID and password with permissions that are appropriate for that user's use of ITRM Report Center functions.
  • A web browser that is supported by ITRM Report Center and, depending on the browser, extensions or plug-ins to enable ActiveX content to be viewed.