Step 3: Package Data from SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 IT Data Marts for Migration

About Packaging the Data from ITRM 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.2, or 3.3 IT Data Marts

Copy the %RMDMPKG macro from the SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 installation location to your SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 system. Execute the macro to package all the physical data in your SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 IT data marts. If necessary, transfer all packaged data to a location that is accessible by your SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 system.
Note: If you want to use the data that you have collected in SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 on your SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 system, then you must execute this step. If you want to migrate only metadata and configuration information without migrating the physical data, then this step is not required. However, if the migrated library definitions point to network-accessible paths, you still need to change the paths. You must change the paths so that they do not point directly to the same location as the previous configuration from which you are migrating.

Copy the %RMDMPKG Macro

The %RMDMPKG macro resides in the following locations on your SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 server tier:
Windows Specifics: <sasroot>\itmsmvadata\sasmacro
UNIX Specifics: <sasroot>/itmsmvadata/sasmacro
z/OS Specifics: &prefix.nn.AUTOLIB
In the preceding line of code, “&prefix” is your chosen data set prefix and nn is the two-byte encoding such as W0, W3, W9, J0, V0, and so on. An example of a z/OS location is SAS.ITRM.W0.AUTOLIB.
Copy or transfer this macro to the corresponding macro location on your SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, or 3.21 server tier so that it can be executed there.
Note: The directory names and locations for SAS IT Resource Management macros did not change between SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 and SAS IT Resource Management 3.2. However, they did change with SAS IT Resource Management 3.21 and 3.3.

Execute the %RMDMPKG Macro

The %RMDMPKG macro packages the physical libraries for a single SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 IT data mart. The macro performs this task by scanning the specified IT data mart for SAS libraries and executing PROC CPORT. PROC CPORT creates transport files for each library. The transport files are then written to the specified output package directory. For information, see Migration Macros.
Each SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 IT data mart requires a separate invocation of %RMDMPKG that points to a separate output package directory. (The PKGDIR parameter specifies the separate output packages.) Do not point to the same output package directory for different IT data marts.
The %RMDMPKG macro can be run in Report mode first, so that only a report of what would be done is produced. (The default mode of execution is to run in Report mode.) Here is an example of using the %RMDMPKG macro for Windows to package a SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1 data mart:
The value of the DOPACKAGES parameter defaults to NO so it does not have to be specified in the macro invocation. Thus, the preceding invocation of %RMDMPKG produces only a report of what packages would be created if the DOPACKAGES parameter were set to YES. If the value of the DOPACKAGES parameter is set to YES, then the macro packages all the physical SAS libraries that are found in the NTSMFdatamart. The macro writes the transport files to c:\migration\311packages\NTSMFdatamart.
Here is an example of the %RMDMPKG macro for z/OS:
For z/OS, the PKGDIR parameter can specify a PDS, PDSE, or zFS directory.
Note: The %RMDMPKG macro supports packaging SAS data sets and catalogs, but not SAS views.
The %RMDMPKG macro can be invoked in SAS interactive or batch mode. However, if the physical data libraries are large or numerous, running in batch mode is more practical. To rerun the macro in the event of an error, clear out the output directory that is specified by the PKGDIR parameter and rerun the macro. This macro does not update any metadata on the SAS Metadata Server.

Transfer the Packaged Data

If the file systems that are used by SAS IT Resource Management 3.1.1, 3.2, 3.21, or 3.3 and SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 target system are not shared, you must transfer all package directories and their contents to locations that are accessible by SAS IT Resource Management 3.3 target. You can do this by means of FTP or a similar tool. If the file systems are shared, then the package directories are accessible by SAS IT Resource Management 3.3. In that situation, transferring the data is not necessary.
Note: If you are using FTP to perform the transfer of the data, ensure that the transfer mode is set to BINARY. In addition, the target file for the FTP must be pre-allocated with RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=8000.