Actions Performed by the PDB Migration Macro

The PDB migration macro performs the following steps:
  1. Validates the parameters that are used by the macro.
  2. Constructs a new IT data mart according to the supplied parameters. A new IT data mart is created each time the macro is executed.
  3. Constructs formulas in a subfolder of the newly created IT data mart to support the following objects:
    • the SHIFT definition used by the PDB.
    • the HOLIDAY definitions used by the PDB/SITELIB.
    • the DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR datetime mapping formulas that are needed for computed columns in the staged table and are ultimately used to support aging. The WEEK computation respects the SAS IT Resource Management 2.6 or 2.7 Start of Week setting from the SAS IT Resource Management PDB options.
    • the DATE, HOUR, and TIME formulas used to populate staged table columns that might be used in the class list of summarized aggregation tables.
  4. Performs the following tasks for each adapter that is present in the SAS IT Resource Management PDB:
    1. Constructs a staging job with an appropriate staging transformation and staged tables. The staged table includes computed columns for DAYDATE, WEEKDATE, MONTHDATE, YEARDATE, SHIFT, HOLIDAY, DATE, TIME, and HOUR.
    2. Performs the following tasks for each staged table:
      • Constructs a job to perform the aggregations that are currently implemented in the SAS IT Resource Management PDB for this staged table. This job consists of the input staged table, an Aggregation transformation, and the output aggregation tables.
      • Copies the data from the SAS IT Resource Management PDB detail and summary tables to the counterpart aggregation tables in SAS IT Resource Management 3.21.
    3. Copies any other necessary constructs such as data duplication status information and any formats that are needed to facilitate the migration of the PDB to the IT data mart.
  5. Generates a report (on the standard SAS output area) that provides information about the actions that were taken.