Gallery Manager

About the Gallery Manager

Gallery Manager is a Web-based application that enables performance analysts and information consumers to access, filter, and manage galleries of report content. These galleries are stored on the SAS Content Server.
The following display shows the wizard that enables you to create a gallery.
Create Gallery Wizard
Wizard That Creates a Gallery
You can manage your galleries by copying them into gallery folders that you created. You can distribute galleries by e-mail to colleagues. Gallery Manager also provides you with the ability to keep selected galleries or gallery folders as Favorites. For a complete description of the features and functions of Gallery Manager, see SAS IT Resource Management: Gallery Manager User's Guide.

Viewing Galleries

About Viewing Galleries

Gallery Manager provides three methods of viewing your galleries:
  • table view
  • thumbnail view
  • flow view

Viewing Galleries with the Table View

When you access a gallery, you can click the table view icon (Icon of the Table View) to the reports as rows in a table, as shown in the following display.
Table View of a Gallery
Table view of a gallery

Viewing Galleries with the Thumbnail View

When you access a gallery, you can click the thumbnail view icon (Icon of the Thumbnail View) to display smaller images of the reports that are in that gallery. As shown in the following display, the reports are arranged in a 3 x 3 grid.
Example of a Gallery Showing the Thumbnail View
Example of a Gallery - Thumbnail View
You can double-click a thumbnail image to generate a larger version of the report that is easier to view.

Viewing Galleries with the Flow View

When you access a gallery, you can click the flow view icon (Icon for the Flow View) to view the reports by leafing through them as if they were pages in a book. As shown in the following display, the reports are displayed as a horizontal stack.
Cover Flow View of a Gallery
Cover Flow View of a Gallery
Each stack contains ten reports. You can navigate between the first and tenth report by clicking each page as if it were a page in a book. (Clicking a report on the right side of the Gallery pane moves that report into the center of the pane. The report that was previously in the center part of the pane is moved to the left side of the pane. You can leaf through the stack of reports from either the left or right side of the pane.) When you come to the end of a set of reports, you must use the horizontal scroll bar to click the Next button to launch the next set.