About the IT Data Mart

At the center of SAS IT Resource Management are IT data marts. IT data marts enable SAS IT Resource Management to store and access IT data as well as the jobs and processes that manipulate, analyze, and report on this data. The collection of IT data marts form the IT performance data warehouse from which domain intelligence is derived.
Example of an IT Data Mart with Numbered Explanations
Example of an IT Data Mart with Numbered Explanations
1 Admin library that was generated for MY IT Data Mart
2 Folder that is generated for the first instance of running the Adapter Setup wizard for the DT Perf Sentry adapter
3 Folder that contains objects related to the Server System domain category for DT Perf Sentry
4 Tables and information maps for the aggregations that are connected with the Server System domain
5 Library that contains all aggregation tables that are connected with the Server System domain
6 Job that generates the aggregation tables that are connected with the Server System domain
7 Job that generates reports that are connected with the Server System domain
8 Job that generates information maps that are connected with the Server System domain
9 Folder that contains the staging library, tables, and job that are connected with DT Perf Sentry
10 Staging job for DT Perf Sentry
11 Library that contains all staged tables that are populated by the DT Perf Sentry Staging job
12 Staged table that is populated by the DT Perf Sentry Staging job
In the preceding figure, the IT data mart called MY IT Data Mart also contains metadata for two instances if the DT Perf Sentry adapter:
  • DT Perf Sentry 1, the first instance of using the Adapter Setup wizard for DT Perf Sentry
  • DT Perf Sentry 2, the second instance of using the Adapter Setup wizard for DT Perf Sentry
For more information about IT data marts, see Chapter 4 “About the IT Data Mart” in the SAS IT Resource Management: Administator's Guide.