Troubleshooting Gallery Manager

Using Two Open Sessions of Gallery Manager on a Single Workstation

Several Web browsers support a feature that merges multiple open sessions. This feature shares cookies, log on credentials, and preferences among all open sessions of the browser. If your workstation has multiple sessions of Gallery Manager open with different log on credentials, then the actions that you perform in one session might affect what you see in the other open sessions.
To open separate sessions on your workstation using different log on credentials, you can disable the session merge feature on your Web browser. See your Web browser documentation for instructions to open separate sessions that do not share cookies or preferences.

Next Button Is Disabled in the Create Gallery Wizard

If you press TAB to move your cursor through the options in the Create Gallery wizard, then the Next button might be disabled after you have cycled through the options on a page more than once. To re-enable the Next button, click on the wizard page listed in the Steps box on the left of the page.