Additional Details for SAP ERP, MS SCOM, and HP Reporter Adapters

The staging code for the SAP ERP, MS SCOM, and HP Reporter adapters is designed to read in only those rows in the input database that were not previously staged. Even though the staged table is overwritten each time a staging job is executed, a record is kept of the data that was read. This ensures that only new data is read when the staging job is run.
The control data sets determine the raw data observations that should be staged. If the control data sets do not exist when the staging job is executed, then all of the data in the input database is staged.
The staging code for the SAP ERP, MS SCOM, and HP Reporter adapters always uses the control data sets so that only new data is staged. Therefore, the duplicate-data checking option is activated by default for these adapters. All subsequent staging jobs that specify that adapter's staging library location use that library's control data sets.
Note: You can temporarily turn off the duplicate-data checking option by modifying the generated SAS code. For an example, see Example 3: Using Macro Variables to Subset Data for HP Reporter and MS SCOM Adapters.