Information Map Objects That Are Generated by the Adapter Setup Wizard

What Information Map Objects Does the Adapter Setup Wizard Generate?

The Adapter Setup wizard creates jobs that contain Information Map transformations for many of the adapters that SAS IT Resource Management supports. Using the Adapter Setup wizard is the most convenient way to create Information Map transformations and information maps for selected adapters.
When the Adapter Setup wizard is run, it creates objects that pertain to the staging and aggregating of data, and in the case of most supported adapters, the objects that pertain to the creation of information maps, such as the following:
  • an information map job.
  • Information Map transformations that are contained in the information map job. For most supported adapters, an Information Map transformation is created for each aggregation table.
  • information maps that are generated when their corresponding Information Map transformations are run.
    Note: To see the results of the job in the hierarchy view, right-click in the hierarchy view and select Refresh.
When generated by the Adapter Setup wizard, information map objects are defined and created according to predetermined conventions for naming, storage, and filter creation. These conventions enable you to effectively manage and locate the information map objects that the Adapter Setup wizard creates.
For more information about the Adapter Setup wizard, see About the Adapter Setup Wizard.

How the Adapter Setup Wizard Names Information Map Objects

For consistency and efficient identification, name your Information Map transformations and information maps using the same conventions as the Adapter Setup wizard.
For most supported adapters, the Adapter Setup wizard automatically creates jobs that contain Information Map transformations. The source tables for these transformations are aggregation tables, which are also created by the Adapter Setup wizard. The transformations are given the same names as their associated source aggregation tables—for example, <level > (such as week, day, month, and so on) + <measurement category > (such as cache, memory, server, network, and so on). The following name is an example of this naming convention: MonthHourServicePctResponse.
The Information Map transformations also create information maps with the same name as the source aggregation tables. As a result, the aggregation tables, Information Map transformations, and resulting information maps for an information map job created by the Adapter Setup wizard all have the same name. This naming technique helps you identify and associate each object easily.
Note: The name of the information map cannot contain any of the following characters: * ? " ' | \ / [ ] $ & > < ( ) { } : ; ` ~ % ^ @ # ! In addition, the name cannot contain a newline or tab character.

Where the Adapter Setup Wizard Stores Information Map Objects

By default, the Adapter Setup wizard stores information maps in the same location as the job that contains the corresponding Information Map transformation. However, you can change where the information map is stored by revising the Information map path field on the Information Map Parameters tab of the Properties dialog box of the Information Map transformation.
For example, when the Network Information Map was run, the resulting information maps were created and stored in the default location. That is, they were stored in a subfolder named for the measurement category in the Network subfolder of the Domain Categories folder of the IT data mart. The following display shows the tree structure of these objects. The Network folder contains the aggregation tables, the information maps, the library, and the aggregation and information map jobs that were created by the Adapter Setup wizard.
Network Domain Category
Network Domain Category

What Information Map Filters Does the Adapter Setup Wizard Create?

When the Adapter Setup wizard creates Information Map transformations, it also creates filters. The wizard automatically provides two categories of filters for columns in the aggregation tables that they are associated with.
  • It provides one filter for each ranked statistic column.
  • It provides one or more filters for each ranked date class column.
These filters are specified in the Information Map transformations and propagated to the information maps that are created when the job is run. The filters are then available in the information maps for analysis and reporting when you use SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Web Report Studio.
For more information about working with information map filters, see Working with Information Map Filters.

How the Adapter Setup Wizard Names Information Map Filters

The Adapter Setup wizard uses specific conventions for naming and describing the information map filters that it provides. These conventions use best practices for naming and describing filters in a way that is concise, meaningful, and effective for use with other SAS solutions. For best results, use the following conventions that the Adapter Setup wizard uses when naming and describing the information map filters that you create:
  • Provide each filter with a unique name within an information map. No two filters in an information map can have the same name. However, filters with the same name can be in multiple information maps.
  • Specify filter names that do not exceed 32 characters in length. The information map library engine that is used by SAS Enterprise Guide to access information maps truncates filter names that are longer than 32 characters.
  • Include the ranked column name and the corresponding filter value in the description for the filter. The Adapter Setup wizard includes the ranked column name and the corresponding filter value in the description for the filters that it provides. For example, if the CacheReadHitPctMinAscRank column is filtered in ascending order from one to ten (including one and ten), then the description for that filter is “CacheReadHitPctMinAscRank 1–10.” For best results, use this convention to describe the information map filters that you create so that your information map filters are consistently identifiable.