The following table
shows the parameters that are available from the
Staging option of the
Staging Parameters tab in
Properties dialog box of the staging
Staging Parameters Supported
Raw data input file
or directory
any valid file or directory
The following table
shows the parameters that are available from the
Checking option of the
Staging Parameters tab in the
Properties dialog box of the
staging transformation.
Staging Parameters Supported
IDVAR variable for %RMDUPCHK
name of the SAS variable
that identifies the system or machine that generated the input data
TIMESTMP variable for
name of the SAS variable
that contains the datetime stamp that uniquely identifies the time
of the event or interval that is being recorded
ENDFILE variable for
name of the SAS variable
that is used as the END= keyword for the SAS INFILE statement that
reads the raw data
INT value for %RMDUPCHK
maximum time gap (or
interval) that is to be allowed between the timestamps on any two
consecutive records from the same system or machine.
If the interval between
the timestamp values exceeds the value of this parameter, then an
observation with the new time range is created in the control data
set. This is referred to as a gap in the data.
The value for this parameter
must be provided in the format hh:mm, where hh represents hours and
mm represents minutes. For example, to specify an interval of 14 minutes,
use INT=0:14. To specify an interval of 1 hour and 29 minutes, use
number of ranges of
data that are expected
It also includes the
data that has already been encountered and stored in the control data
set. Ranges are stored in memory slots and need to be pre-allocated.
If the allocated memory slots are not sufficient to store the ranges
that are needed, the job must be rerun.
A gap in the data that
is larger than the time specified by the INT parameter indicates that
a second range is needed. Gaps in the data should be an exceptional
event, but it is best to overestimate the number of ranges that are
needed in order to avoid rerunning the job.
number of systems and
machines from which you expect to process data
This value includes
the number of systems and machines that are in the new incoming data.
It also includes the data that has already been encountered and stored
in the control data set.
KEEP value for %RMDUPCHK
number of weeks for
which control data is to be kept
Because this value represents
the number of Sundays between two dates, a value of 2 (the default)
results in a maximum retention period of 20 days.
The following table
shows these parameters that are available from the
User-Written option of the
Staging Parameters tab in
Properties dialog box of the staging
For a detailed description of the staging parameters for the User-written
Staging transformation, see Staging Parameters Tab.
User-Written Parameters
directory path and file
Generate a macro variable
with input table name
Generate macro variables
with target table names
Generate a macro with
target table options
Generate Tabinfo and
Varinfo tables
Generate a macro to
create target table ATTRIB statements
Generate a macro to
create computed columns
Generate a macro to
create column lists
Generate a macro to
assign columns to missing