The SAS Object Manager is a component that executes
on the client machine and it is used to create and manage objects
on IOM servers. The object manager can use server definitions from
a metadata server, or define the servers in the code. When using a
metadata server, the object manager can use IOM server definitions
that are administered separately from the application. Using a metadata
definition enables client applications to connect to a server simply
by using the server name. The definition for this server can change
as required without affecting the application.
The object manager can
create a SAS object in one of these ways:
through local COM if the SAS server
runs on the same machine as the client
through DCOM if the SAS server
runs on another machine that supports DCOM
through the IOM Bridge for COM
(SASComb.dll) if the SAS server runs on another machine that does
not support COM or DCOM functionality (
z/OS or UNIX [Solaris, HP-UX
IPF, HP 64, AIX, ALX, Linux])
through the IOM Bridge for COM
(SASComb.dll) if the SAS server runs on Windows
With the SAS Object
Manager, you can perform the following tasks:
launch SAS objects, such as SAS
select between running SAS objects
retrieve definitions from a metadata
The object manager can
be used in Visual Basic, C, C++, and VBScript (with the help of Scripto)
The object manager can
also be used with the .NET framework by using COM Interop.