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Programming with Visual Basic

Referencing the Type Library

ActiveX components can contain numerous classes, each with one or more programming interfaces. These interfaces can have methods and properties. The components can also have many enumeration constants, which are symbolic names for constants that are passed or returned over the interface. For name scoping and management, each application defines its own group of these definitions into a type library. The type library is used by programming languages to check the correctness of calls to the component and is used by COM when it creates the data packet. The data packet conveys a method call from one Windows process to another and is called marshaling.

You must reference at least two type libraries to access IOM servers. One is for Base SAS software and the other is for the object manager. These type libraries get installed when you install Base SAS or when you install the SAS Integration Technologies client. However, before you can write Visual Basic code to call the Base SAS IOM interfaces, you must reference these type libraries from within your Visual Basic project.

To reference these type libraries from Visual Basic, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Visual Basic menu bar, select the References menu item. Depending on the version of Visual Basic that you are running, this item is either under the Project (VB6) or under the Tools (Visual Basic for Applications [VBA]) menu.

    The references dialog box lists every registered type library on the system. This list is divided into two groups. The type libraries that are already referenced by the project are listed first. All the remaining registered system type libraries are listed after that in alphabetical order. The first group shows the list that can be referenced in your program. The second group helps you find additional libraries to add to the first group.

  2. Find the type library labeled SAS: Integrated Object Model (IOM), and select the check box to add the reference to your project. (Simply selecting the line is not sufficient. You have to select the check box.)

  3. Find the type library labeled SASObjectManager, and select its check box to add this reference to your project.

  4. Click OK to activate these changes.

After referencing these libraries, you can use them immediately. Also, if you reopen the references dialog box, then you see that these libraries have been moved up to the top of the list with the other libraries that are referenced.

Each type library has a name, known as the library name. The library name is used in programming to qualify (or scope) all names (such as components, methods, constants, and so on) that are used within it. This name is not necessarily the same as the name of the file that contains the type library. Visual Basic looks up the names in your program by going through the referenced type libraries in the order that they are listed in the references dialog box. If two type libraries contain the same name, then Visual Basic uses the definition from the first library in the list, unless the name is qualified with a library name.

The Base SAS IOM library name is "sas". You can use the name "sas" to qualify any identifier defined in that library. For example, the Base SAS library has a FormatService component. If another library in your application has its own identifier with the same name, then you reference the SAS component by using sas.FormatService.

The Visual Basic Development Environment

After the type library is referenced, its definitions become available to the Visual Basic Object Browser. From the Visual Basic development environment, the Object Browser component is typically available via a toolbar button, a menu selection, or the F2 key.

The Object Browser can show all referenced type libraries at one time or it can focus on any one of them. To focus on the Base SAS IOM library, select SAS from the drop-down list in the upper left. The left panel of the Object Browser will then show only the component classes, interfaces, and enumerations for SAS components. If you select a component (such as FileService) in the left panel, then its methods and properties are shown in the right panel. When you select an item in the right pane, more complete information (such as the parameters to pass to a method and a brief description of the method) is shown at the bottom.

Referencing a type library also activates Visual Basic IntelliSenseTM for all programming language names in the library. As you begin to type a name, like SAS.FileService, the Visual Basic editor shows you the list of possible names. As you code a method call, Visual Basic shows each parameter that you need to provide.

For VB6 and later or Microsoft Office 2000 VBA or later, the Object Browser and the Visual Basic editor are connected to the Base IOM interface Help file. In the Object Browser, if you click the ? button or press the F1 function key, you will see the Help page for the selected item. In the editor, if you press F1 with your cursor on a name, then the Help page for that name appears.

Working with Object Variables and Creating a Workspace

Your Visual Basic program's interaction with SAS begins by creating a SAS.Workspace object. This object represents a session with SAS and is functionally equivalent to a SAS Display Manager session or the execution of Base SAS software in a batch job. Using a workspace from Visual Basic requires that you declare an object variable in order to reference it. Here is an example declaration:

Dim obSAS as SAS.Workspace

This statement only declares a variable to reference a workspace. It does not create a workspace or assign a workspace to the variable. For creating workspaces, the SAS Integration Technologies client provides the object manager. The object manager is an ActiveX component that can be used to create SAS workspaces, either locally or on any server that runs the SAS Integration Technologies product.

If the server is remote, then you can create a workspace by using either the machine name of the server (such as or a logical name (such as FinanceDept) that is given to you by your system administrator. For more information about creating workspaces on remote servers, see Using the SAS Object Manager.

If SAS is installed on your local PC and you want to create a workspace that runs locally, then it is very easy to use the object manager to create the workspace and assign it to your object variable. The following example shows how to create a workspace and assign it to your object variable:

Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer(
"", True, Nothing, "", "")

By using the keyword new, you instruct COM to create a SAS Object Factory and assign a reference to it when the object variable (obObjectFactory in this case) is first used.

After you create the instance of the object factory, you can use it to create a workspace (SAS session) on the local machine. The object factory has a CreateObjectByServer method for creating a new workspace.

The first parameter to this method is the name of your choice. The name can be useful when your program is creating several objects and must later distinguish among them. The next parameter indicates whether to create the workspace synchronously. If this parameter equals true, then CreateObjectByServer does not return until a connection is made. If this parameter equals false, then the caller must get the created workspace from the ObjectKeeper.

The next parameter is an object to identify the desired server for the workspace. Because we are creating a workspace locally, we pass the Nothing (a Visual Basic keyword) to indicate that there is no server object. The next two strings are for a user ID and password. Again, we do not need these to create a local workspace. This method returns a reference to the newly created workspace.

To get error information about the connection, you can use the following code:

Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
obObjectFactory.LogEnabled = True
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer("", True, Nothing, "", "")
Debug.Print obSAS.Utilities.HostSystem.DNSName
Debug.Print "Log:" & obObjectFactory.GetCreationLog(True, True)

For more information about logging errors, see SAS Object Manager Error Reporting.

Note:   Whenever you assign a reference to an object variable, the assignment uses the keyword Set . If you do not use Set , then Visual Basic attempts to find a default property of the object variable and set that default property.  [cautionend]

You can prove that the previous example program code works by instructing the server to print its Internet Domain Name System (DNS) name. The following program creates a SAS workspace on the local computer, prints the DNS name, and then closes the newly created workspace.

Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Set obSAS= obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer(
"", True, Nothing, "", "")
Debug.print obSAS.Utilities.HostSystem.DNSName

As you use other features of SAS, you will need additional object variables to hold references to objects created within your SAS workspace. These are declared similarly. For example, if you want to assign SAS FILEREFs, then you might want an object variable to reference your workspace's FileService. Here is the declaration for this example:

Dim obFS as SAS.FileService

Such declarations never use the keyword new because doing so asks COM to create the object. Object variables for objects within the workspace always reference objects that are created by the workspace, not COM. In fact, when you use new in a declaration, Visual Basic IntelliSense provides a much shorter list of possibilities because it lists only those classes of objects that COM knows how to create.

The following statement uses the obFS variable to hold a reference to the FileService for the workspace that is referenced by obSAS:

Set obFS = obSAS.FileService

The assignment of an object variable must use the Set keyword.

Basic Method Calls

After you create an object variable and set it with an object reference, you can make calls against the object and access the object's properties.

The following example assigns a SAS libref by using the IOM DataService:

' Create a workspace on the local machine using the SAS Object Manager
Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer(
"My workspace", Nothing, "", "")
' Get a reference to the workspace's DataService.
Dim obDS as SAS.DataService
Set obDS = obSAS.DataService
' Assign a libref named "mysaslib" within the new workspace
' (This is an example of a method call that returns a value)
' Note: you must have a "c:\mysaslib" directory for this to work
Dim obLibref as SAS.Libref
Set obLibref = obDS.AssignLibref(
"mysaslib", "", "c:\mysaslib", "")
' Should print "mysaslib"
Debug.Print obLibref.Name
' De-assign the libref; this is an example of a method call that does
' not return a value
' Close the workspace; this is another example of a method call that
' does not return a value.

This example illustrates three method calls and two property accesses.

In Visual Basic, method calls that use a return value are coded differently from those that do not. The AssignLibref call returns a reference to a new Libref object. Because the method returns a value that is being used in this call, the method's arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. The calls to DeassignLibref and Close, on the other hand, do not return a value. (Neither of these methods can return a value.) Thus, no parentheses are used following the method name, even for DeassignLibref, which passes a parameter in the method call.

When passing parameters, you must first understand whether the parameter is for input or output (also known as ByVal and ByRef in Visual Basic). Unfortunately, the Visual Basic Object Browser does not provide this information. If you are not sure which type of parameter is required, see the Help or documentation.

Input parameters can be passed by a constant value (such as mysaslib for a string parameter or 0 for a numeric parameter) or an expression. They can also be passed using a variable whose value is taken as input to the method. This technique is used in the DeassignLibref call in the example. Output parameters require the use of variables that will be updated at the time the call returns.

Understanding the data type of the parameter is just as important as understanding the direction. The data type is listed in the Object Browser. If the provided constant, variable, or expression has the same type as the parameter, then no conversion is necessary. Otherwise, Visual Basic might try to convert the value. If you do pass a different type than the method actually defines for that parameter, ensure that you understand Visual Basic's data conversion rules.

The parameters in IOM methods have a range of data types. Many are standard types such as String, Long, Short, Boolean, and Date. Others are object types defined by a type library (such as SAS.Libref in the previous example). Most parameters are designed to accept or return a single type of object. In these cases, it is best to use an object variable of that specific type. However, you can use variables that are declared with the generic object type Object. In some cases, methods can return more than one type of object, depending on the situation. For example, the GetApplication method for a SAS workspace might return different types of objects (based on the application name that was requested). It is declared to return the generic object type.

When a parameter can take some fixed set of integer values, its declaration uses an enumeration that is defined in the type library. For example, the Fileref:OpenBinaryStream method takes a parameter that indicates the open mode of the stream. The type of this parameter is SAS.StreamOpenMode. In the current version of Visual Basic, you cannot declare a variable of this type. You must use the type Long instead. The declaration is still important because it specifies the set of possible values and provides a constant for each. For example, if you want to open a stream for writing, then you would pass a constant of SAS.StreamOpenModeForWriting.

Some Visual Basic procedures and subroutines take optional parameters. When calling such routines, you often pass the parameters by specifying their name (such as color:="Red" ). This feature of Visual Basic is not used by SAS IOM methods because it does not work naturally with other types of client programming environments, including Visual C++. Simply list your parameter values in order without showing their names.

Many objects have properties that can be obtained simply by naming the property. Libref objects, for example, have a Name property, which is used in the previous example. Some properties are read-only, but others can also be set. Such properties can be set by using a normal assignment statement. Keep in mind, however, that if the property type is an object type, then you will need to use the Set keyword with your assignment statement (as described in the previous section).

In order to keep the number of function calls to a minimum, many IOM methods have a large number of parameters and accept arrays for those parameters. Visual Basic IntelliSense technology is very helpful for keeping track of parameters as you code them.

Passing Arrays in IOM Method Calls

Overview of Arrays in IOM Calls

When SAS generates a listing, it might contain thousands of lines. In order to improve performance, IOM methods make heavy use of arrays. By returning an array of lines, the FlushListLines() method can potentially return all LIST output in one call. Similar situations occur in many other places in IOM, including reading and writing files, getting and setting options, and listing SAS librefs and filerefs.

Visual Basic arrays can be either fixed-size or dynamic. An array dimensioned with a size is fixed-size. An array dimensioned with no size (empty parentheses) or declared with the Redim statement is dynamic. For array output parameters, you must use dynamic array variables because the size that SAS will return is not known when the array variable is declared.

The following example lists all librefs in the workspace:

' Create a workspace on the local machine using the SAS Object Manager
Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer(
"My workspace", True, Nothing, "", "")
Dim obDS as SAS.DataService
Dim vName as variant
' Declare a dynamic array of strings to hold libnames
Dim arLibnames() as string
Set obDS = obSAS.DataService
' Pass the dynamic array variable to "ListLibrefs"; upon return,
' the array variable will be filled in with an array of strings,
' one element for each libref in the workspace
obDS.ListLibrefs arLibnames
' Print each name in the returned array
For Each vName in arLibnames
debug.print vName
Next vName
' Print the size of the array
debug.print "Number of librefs was: " & Ubound(arLibnames)+1

In the object browser, you can tell that the names parameter for ListLibrefs is an array of strings because it is shown as follows:

names() as string

The empty parentheses indicate an array. A few of the array parameters in IOM require a two-dimensional array. The Object Browser does not distinguish the number of dimensions. You must consult the class documentation to determine the number of dimensions in an array.

After the ListLibrefs call returns, there will be one array element for each libref assigned in the workspace. The For Each statement can be used to iterate through these elements. You must use Variant as the type of the loop control variable.

In many cases, you need to know the size of the returned array. Visual Basic allows arrays to be created with a particular lower and upper bound in each dimension. In order to allow better compatibility with other client programming languages, all IOM calls require that the lower bound be zero. Input arrays are not accepted if their lower bound is not zero. Output arrays are always returned with a lower bound of zero.

The size of the array can be determined by checking its upper bound. For a one-dimensional array, you can get the upper bound by passing the array name to the Ubound function. Because the array is zero-based and Ubound returns the number of the last element, you must add one to get the size of the array.

You can get the Ubound for each dimension of a two-dimensional array by passing a dimension index. The following example illustrates this technique:

Dim table()
Redim table(5,2) ' 6 rows (0 through 5) and 3 columns (0 through 2)
debug.print "Number of rows: " & Ubound(table, 1)+1
debug.print "Number of columns: " & Ubound(table, 2)+1

When passing input arrays, you can pass a fixed size array if you know the size in advance. The following code provides an example:

' Create a workspace on the local machine using the SAS Object Manager
Dim obObjectFactory As New SASObjectManager.ObjectFactory
Dim obSAS As SAS.Workspace
Set obSAS = obObjectFactory.CreateObjectByServer(
"My workspace", True, Nothing, "", "")
Dim obLS as SAS.LanguageService
' Declare a fixed-size array of strings to hold input statements
Dim arSrc(2) as string
' Declare a dynamic array of strings to hold the list output
Dim arList() as string
' These arrays will return line types and carriage control
Dim arCC() as SAS.LanguageServiceCarriageControl
Dim arLT() as SAS.LanguageServiceLineType
Dim vOutLine as variant
arSrc(0) = "data a; x=1; y=2;"
arSrc(1) = "proc print;"
arSrc(2) = "run;"
Set obLS = obSAS.LanguageService
ObLS.SubmitLines arSrc
' Get up to 1000 lines of output
ObLS.FlushListLines 1000, arCC, arLT, arList
' Print each name in the returned array
For Each vOutLine in arList
debug.print vOutLine
Next vOutLine

The number of input statements are known in advance, so the arSrc array variable can be declared as a fixed size. (A dynamic array could also be used.)

For some methods, you might want to pass an input array with no elements. Unfortunately, Visual Basic does not have syntax for creating either a fixed-size array or a dynamic array with zero elements. To work around this deficiency in Visual Basic, IOM methods allow you to pass an uninitialized dynamic array variable, which is the same as an array with no elements.

Visual Basic does properly handle output arrays with no elements. When an array has no elements, the Ubound() function returns -1 and the For Each statement does not execute the body of the loop.

Using Enumeration Types in Visual Basic Programs

Older versions of Visual Basic (such as VBA in Microsoft Office 97) do not support defining variables as enumeration types. For these older versions, you must define variables as type Long. From the third example in the previous section, consider the statement:

Dim arCC() as long, arLT() as long

Here, the variables arCC and arLT are being used as arrays of LanguageServiceCarriageControl and LanguageServiceLineType, respectively. However, because this program was written to execute in a VBA (Microsoft Office 97) environment, the variables are defined as arrays of long integers.

For newer versions (such as VB6), you need to use enumeration types. To execute this program in a VB6 environment, the line would be changed to the following:

Dim arCC() as LanguageServiceCarriageControl
Dim arLT() as LanguageServiceLineType

Note that the enumeration constants themselves are available for use in both environments. Given that arCC and arLT are defined appropriately for the environment, the following statements are valid in both the old and new versions:

arCC(0) = LanguageServiceCarriageControlNormal
arLT(0) = LanguageServiceLineTypeSource

Object Lifetime

Use the Workspace.Close method to close a workspace when you are finished with it. This method also deletes all of the objects within the workspace. For some types of objects, such as streams, you might finish using the object long before you finish using the workspace. These objects typically have their own Close method that removes the object and performs other termination processing (such as closing the file against which the stream is open). The lifetime of objects that do not have a Close (or similar) method is managed by the workspace in which the object is created.

In Visual Basic, you can release the reference held by an object variable by assigning the keyword Nothing to that variable. The syntax is as follows:

ObStream = Nothing

By using this technique, you can make Visual Basic release its references to an object. Doing so does not, however, delete the object because the workspace still references the object.

As a special case, if your program releases its references to all of the objects on a SAS server, then the server deletes the workspace and all of the objects in it. This behavior is implemented to prevent excess SAS processes from being left on a machine when clients fail to close their workspaces properly. If a client program terminates abruptly or is killed by the user from the Task Manager, then COM notifies SAS at a later time. In current versions of COM, this notification takes approximately six minutes.


Method calls sometimes fail. When they do, Visual Basic raises an error condition. If you want to write code that responds to error conditions, then you should code On Error Goto Next after each call. If you want to centralize the code that responds to error conditions, then code an On Error Goto with a label and place your error handling code at the label.

When an error occurs, COM and Visual Basic store the error in the Err predefined variable of the type VBA.ErrObject. The two most important fields in this variable are Err.Number and Err.Description. Err.Number can be used by your program logic to determine what kind of error occurred.

Err.Description provides a text description of the error. It can also provide important details about the error. For example, in the case of an error in opening a file, the description provides the name of the file that could not be opened. SAS®9 servers return the error description in XML format. This format allows multiple messages from the server to be packed into one string. The format is as follows:

<SASMessage>ERROR: First message</SASMessage>
<SASMessage>ERROR: Second message</SASMessage>

Use an XML parser to break the XML into individual messages to display to a user. You can use the V8ERRORTEXT objectserverparm to suppress this XML.

Different errors are assigned different codes. IOM method calls can return many different codes. The code that they return is listed in various enumerations whose names end in "Errors". For example, the IOM DataService defines an enumeration called DataServiceERRORS in which the constants for all of the possible errors that are returned by the DataService are defined. For more information about the common errors for a particular call, see the documentation and Help. In addition to errors that listed explicitly for the method, SAS.GenericError can always be raised.

Receiving Events

Some IOM objects can generate events. For example, The LanguageService generates the events DatastepStart, DatastepComplete, ProcStart, ProcComplete, SubmitComplete, and StepError. In the Object Browser, you can recognize objects that generate events because the event procedures are marked using a lightning bolt icon.

Your Visual Basic program can implement procedures that receive these events if you declare the interface using the WithEvents keyword.

The following declaration must be outside any procedure:

Dim WithEvents obLS As SAS.LanguageService

After you declare an interface to receive events, the Visual Basic development environment provides empty definitions for the event procedures. The following code segment is a definition that is provided for the ProcStart event, along with a line that has been added to print a debug message tracing the start of the procedure:

Private Sub obLS_ProcStart(ByVal Procname As String)
Debug.Print "Starting PROC: " & Procname
End Sub

Note that the event procedure name is of the form object-name_event-name.

In the routine that initializes your workspace variable, you should initialize the LanguageService variable using a statement such as the following:

set obLS = obSAS.LanguageService

After this initialization, your events procedures will be called whenever SAS fires an event.

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