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Using the Object Manager

SAS Object Manager Interfaces

The principal interfaces of the SAS Object Manager are as follows:


provides collection methods for ServerDefs, LoginDefs, LogicalNameDefs, SAS objects, and ObjectPools. It also provides methods to establish connections to SAS servers and to define metadata sources.


stores an interface and can retrieve it later, possibly from another thread. The IObjectKeeper interface is also used as a rendezvous point for objects that are created asynchronously from the ObjectFactory.


creates and manipulates login definitions (LoginDefs). A LoginDef is needed only for connections that use the IOM Bridge for COM.


contains the standard collection methods Count, _NewEnum, Add, Item, and Remove where the key is the LoginDefName. It also supports one additional method: CheckAccess.


specifies how to connect to the server. For a local or DCOM connection, only the Name and Hostname values are needed. The IOM Bridge for COM requires Protocol to be set to ProtocolBridge. Port and ServiceName can be used with the IOM Bridge for COM.


contains the standard collection methods Count, _NewEnum, Add, Item, and Remove where the key is the ServerDefName. It also supports one additional method: CheckAccess.


can create, enumerate, locate, and remove ObjectPool objects.


configures parameters for an ObjectPool.


notifies a pool when the associated SAS object can be returned to the pool.

The reference documentation for using the SAS Object Manager interfaces is shipped with the SAS Object Manager in the sasoman.chm Help file.

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