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Components of SAS Integration Technologies

SAS Web Infrastructure Platform

The SAS Web Infrastructure Platform is a collection of services and applications that provide common infrastructure and integration features to be used by SAS Web applications. These services and applications provide the following benefits:

The following services and applications are included in the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform:
SAS BI Web Services for Java

can be used to enable your custom applications to invoke and obtain metadata about SAS Stored Processes. Web services enable distributed applications that are written in different programming languages and that run on different operating systems to communicate using standard Web-based protocols. The most common protocol is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

The SAS BI Web Services for Java interface is based on the XML for Analysis (XMLA) Version 1.1 specification.

SAS Shared Web Assets

contains graph applet JARs that are shared across SAS Web applications. They display graphs in stored processes and in the SAS Stored Process Web application.

SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Services

provide a common infrastructure for SAS Web applications. The infrastructure supports activities such as auditing, authentication, configuration, status and monitoring, e-mail, theme management, and data sharing across SAS Web applications.

SAS Logon Manager

provides a common user authentication mechanism for SAS Web applications. It displays a dialog box for user ID and password entry, authenticates the user, and launches the requested application. SAS Logon Manager supports a single sign-on authentication model. When this model is enabled, it provides access to a variety of computing resources (including servers and Web pages) during the application session without repeatedly prompting the user for credentials.

You can configure SAS Logon Manager to display custom messages and to specify whether a logon dialog box is displayed when users log off.

In addition, you can use third-party products in conjunction with SAS Logon Manager to enable users to access multiple Web applications within the same browser session.

SAS Preferences Manager

provides a common mechanism for managing preferences for SAS Web applications. The feature enables administrators to set default preferences for locale, theme, alert notification, and time, date, and currency display. Within each Web application, users can view the default settings and update their individual preferences.

SAS Stored Process Web Application

executes stored processes on behalf of a Web client and return results to a Web browser. The SAS Stored Process Web application is similar to the SAS/IntrNet Application Broker, and has the same general syntax and debug options.

SAS Web Administration Console

provides features for monitoring and administering middle-tier components. This browser-based interface enables administrators to do the following:

  • view a list of users who are logged on to SAS Web applications, and send e-mail to active users

  • create, delete, and manage permissions for folders on the SAS Content Server

  • view configuration information for each middle-tier component

SAS Content Server

stores digital content (such as documents, reports, and images) that is created and used by SAS Web applications. For more information, see the SAS content server topic in SAS Intelligence Platform: Overview.

The following documentation is provided for the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform:

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