Java Client Security

For an overview and understanding of security for the SAS Open Metadata Architecture, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.
The IOM Bridge for Java has the ability to encrypt all messages exchanged with the IOM server by using a two-tiered security solution. The first tier is a SAS proprietary encryption algorithm. The second tier contains standards-based RC2, RC4, DES, and Triple DES encryption algorithms.
The SAS proprietary encryption algorithm (SASPROPRIETARY) is appropriate to use when you want to prevent accidental exposure of information while it is being transmitted over a network between an IOM Bridge for Java and an IOM server. Access to this encryption algorithm is included with your Base SAS license, and the Java implementation is integrated into the IOM Bridge for Java.
The second-tier encryption algorithms are appropriate to use when you want to prevent exposure of secret information. In other words, using these algorithms makes it extremely difficult to discover the content of messages exchanged between an IOM Bridge for Java and an IOM server. To use these algorithms you must license SAS/SECURE software.
In addition to encryption, SAS/SECURE software also supports message authentication codes (MAC). A MAC is a few bytes of information that is appended to a message to allow the receiver to confirm that the message has not been altered in transit.
Instructions for the security features of the IOM Bridge for Java are included with the documentation for the class. Those instructions contain some tips on how to configure the IOM server, but more complete information is available in the documentation for Base SAS software. Installation instructions and usage information for second-tier encryption algorithms is provided in the documentation for SAS/SECURE software.