Developing Java Clients

The application programming interfaces that are provided with SAS Integration Technologies enable you to develop Java-based distributed applications that are integrated with the SAS platform. SAS Integration Technologies includes the following features for developing Java clients:
  • The Connection Factory interface, which enables Java programs to communicate with Integrated Object Model (IOM) servers through an IOM Bridge connection. The connection factory enables you to obtain server attributes from a SAS Metadata Server, from the Information Service (which is part of SAS Foundation Services), or directly from an application program. When it is used with the SAS Open Metadata Architecture, the Java Connection Factory interface provides the following:
    • connections to new types of IOM servers (SAS Metadata Servers, SAS Stored Process Servers, and SAS OLAP Servers) in addition to SAS Workspace Servers
    • the ability to use load balancing for workspace and stored process servers and spawners
  • SAS Foundation Services, which extends Java application development beyond access to IOM servers. The following core infrastructure services are provided:
    • client connections to application servers (including the Java Connection Factory interface previously mentioned)
    • dynamic service discovery
    • user authentication and profile management
    • session context management
    • metadata and content repository access
    • activity logging
    SAS Foundation Services also includes extension services for event management, information publishing, and stored process execution.
  • The SAS Foundation Services Facade, which includes convenience services that Web application developers can use to easily access the most commonly used SAS Foundation Services methods and objects.
Use of this software requires some knowledge of distributed programming. However, the software rigorously conforms to Java distributed programming standards such as CORBA and JDBC. Whether you are developing an applet, a stand-alone application, a servlet, or an enterprise JavaBean, you can focus your attention on exploiting the features of the SAS platform rather than determining how to communicate with it.
SAS Integration Technologies supports any Java integrated development environment (IDE), including Eclipse, JBuilder, and SAS AppDev Studio.