- access control
a method of controlling the type of access that
each user has to data or to an application's functionality.
- Active Server Pages
an application environment that enables you to
use HTML pages, scripts, and ActiveX server components to create Web
See application programming interface.
- Application Broker
a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application that
resides on a Web server and which is invoked in order to process information
from an HTML form. The Application Broker's configuration file defines
the services that are available to Application Dispatcher applications.
- Application Dispatcher
a component of SAS/IntrNet software that enables
you to send information from a browser to a SAS session for processing
and which returns the results to your browser. The Application Dispatcher
includes the Application Broker and the Application Server.
- Application Dispatcher application
the combination of one or more input components
(such as HTML pages or HTML forms) and one or more Dispatcher programs.
A Dispatcher application can also consist of several HTML pages or
forms and several Dispatcher programs.
- Application Dispatcher program
a program that is run by the Application Server
and which produces the output from a Dispatcher application. A Dispatcher
program can be a SAS language program, a SOURCE catalog entry, an
SCL catalog entry, or a compiled macro.
- Application Load Manager
an optional component of the Application Dispatcher
that distributes requests to multiple Application Servers. The Application
Load Manager keeps track of Application Servers as they are started
and terminated, and it ensures that none of the servers becomes overloaded.
- application programming interface
a set of software functions that facilitate communication
between applications and other kinds of programs or services. Short
form: API.
- Application Server
a SAS session that is waiting for input from the
Application Broker, or which is launched on demand by the Application
See Active Server Pages.
- authentication
See client authentication.
- authorization
the process of determining which users have which
permissions for which resources. The outcome of the authorization
process is an authorization decision that either permits or denies
a specific action on a specific resource, based on the requesting
user's identity and group memberships.
- Broker
See Application Broker.
- browser
See Web browser.
- cascading style sheet
a set of specifications that control how HTML
elements are displayed in a Web browser. For example, you can use
a CSS to specify fonts, sizes, and colors of the text in HTML documents.
Cascading style sheets make it easier for authors of HTML documents
to maintain a consistent style on multiple pages.
- catalog
See SAS catalog.
- catalog entry
See SAS catalog entry.
a programming interface that enables a Web server
to communicate with an external program and to pass the results back
to a user.
- character entity reference
a symbolic reference in the form &name that
enables you to insert a special character into an HTML document. You
can use a character entity reference when you need to insert a character
that is not on your keyboard or when you cannot insert a character
directly because of its significance in the HTML.
- client
an application that requests either resources
or services from a server, possibly over a network.
- client authentication
the process of verifying the identity of a person
or process for security purposes.
- Common Gateway Interface
a programming interface that enables a Web server
to communicate with an external program and to pass the results back
to a user.
- Common Metadata Repository
a general-purpose metadata management facility
that provides metadata services to SAS/EIS applications. The Common
Metadata Repository enables SAS/EIS software to share metadata with
other SAS products.
- configuration file
a file that defines the services that are available
for Application Dispatcher applications. This file resides on the
Web server, often in the same directory as the Application Broker.
- content type
a value that tells a client's Web browser how
to interpret and display a transferred object such as an image file,
a sound file, or a video file. For example, GIF, JPG, TIFF, MIDI,
and WAV are content types.
- continuation character
in htmSQL, a character that can be used in your
configuration file. If the last non-blank character of the line is
a continuation character, then at run time, the continuation character
(and all blank spaces that immediately precede and follow the continuation
character) is replaced with the contents of the next line (minus leading
white space).
- cookie
a character string that contains information about
a visitor to a Web site. The Web server sends cookies to a computer
via a browser. Applications use cookies to uniquely identify visitors
and sessions.
- cube
See multidimensional database.
- data set
See SAS data set.
- data source definition file
a file that identifies a SAS/SHARE server that
htmSQL can get data from. A data source definition can also specify SAS data libraries
or an external database management system (DBMS) that htmSQL accesses
through that server.
- database management system
a software application that enables you to create
and manipulate data that is stored in the form of databases. Short
form: DBMS.
See database management system.
- debug flag
a value that is assigned to the _DEBUG variable
in order to activate various debugging features. You can specify a
debug flag with any Application Dispatcher request.
- descriptor information
information about the contents and attributes
of a SAS data set. For example, the descriptor information includes
the data types and lengths of the variables, as well as which engine
was used to create the data. SAS creates and maintains descriptor
information within every SAS data set.
- directive
a processing instruction in the Application Broker
configuration file. Each Application Broker directive contains a keyword
and a value.
- drill down
to explore data and access information by moving
from summary information to more detailed data from which the summary
is derived. For example, you could click folders in a hierarchy from
the top downwards to find a specific file. Drilling down provides
a method of exploring multidimensional data by moving from one level
of detail to the next.
- dynamic query
in htmSQL, a query that enables Web page users
to customize the query by specifying their own values for search parameters.
The query is written using variable references that are given values
when users access the Web page.
- encryption
the act or process of converting data to a form
that is unintelligible except to the intended recipients.
- engine
a component of SAS software that reads from or
writes to a file. Various engines enable SAS to access different types
of file formats.
- firewall
a set of related programs that protect the resources
of a private network from users from other networks. A firewall can
also control which outside resources the internal users are able to
- hidden field
in an HTML form, a field whose name and value
are not visible in the Web browser.
- host
See host operating environment.
- host operating environment
the operating environment (computer, operating
system, and other software and hardware) that is identified by an
IP address or by a domain name and that provides centralized control
for software applications.
See HyperText Markup Language.
a protocol for transferring data to the Internet.
HTTP provides a way for servers and Web clients to communicate. It
is based on the TCP/IP protocol. Short form: HTTP.
- HTTP header
a group of fields that precedes any output that
is created by an Application Dispatcher program. Each line of the
header is a field, and each field consists of a name (for example,
Content- type: or Expires) and a value (for example, text/html or
02 Feb 2002 00:00:00 GMT). The Application Server generates a default
HTTP header if the Application Dispatcher program does not generate
- HTTP tunneling
a method of transferring data between clients
and servers that otherwise could not exchange data because of applet
security restrictions, firewalls, or other security restrictions on
a network. HTTP tunneling is frequently used to enable an applet to
connect to a server that is on a different computer system than the
applet's Web server.
- HyperText Markup Language
a coding system in which the codes indicate the
layout and style of the text in a text file. Other HTML codes enable
you to embed electronic objects such as images, sounds, video streams,
and applets (small software applications) into HTML documents. All
Web browsers can process HTML documents. Short form: HTML.
- HyperText Transfer Protocol
- inetcfg
See SAS/IntrNet configuration utility.
- input component
a part of an Application Dispatcher application
that usually consists either of static HTML pages that contain URL
references or of dynamically generated HTML pages that contain either
HTML forms or links to an Application Broker URL. The input component
selects the appropriate Application Dispatcher program to run and
passes data to that program.
- input file
in htmSQL, a file that contains the HTML and SQL
code that you want processed.
- Internet Media type
another term for MIME type.
- IP address
a unique network address that is assigned to each
computer that is connected to the Internet. The IP address can be
specified in either of two formats: Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
or Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). The IPv4 format consists of
four parts in dot-decimal notation, as in 123.456.789.0. The IPv6
format can consist of up to eight groups of four hexadecimal characters,
delimited by colons, as in FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329.
- Java Database Connectivity
- Java plug-in
program code that enables an applet to use the
most current Java features rather than using a browser's default Java
virtual machine.
- JavaServer page
a type of servlet that enables users to create
Java classes through HTML. Short form: JSP.
a standard interface for accessing SQL databases.
JDBC provides uniform access to a wide range of relational databases.
It also provides a common base on which higher-level tools and interfaces
can be built. Short form: JDBC.
See JavaServer page.
- launch service
a type of Application Server service that starts
a new server for each Application Dispatcher request.
- library engine
an engine that accesses groups of files and puts
them in the correct form for processing by SAS utility windows and
procedures. A library engine also determines the fundamental processing
characteristics of the library and presents lists of files for the
library directory.
- library member
a type of SAS file in a SAS library. Types of
SAS files include a data set, a view, a catalog, a stored program,
and an access descriptor.
- library reference
See libref.
- libref
a SAS name that is associated with the location
of a SAS library. For example, in the name MYLIB.MYFILE, MYLIB is
the libref, and MYFILE is a file in the SAS library.
- macro variable
a variable that is part of the SAS macro programming
language. The value of a macro variable is a string that remains constant
until you change it. Macro variables are sometimes referred to as
symbolic variables.
See multidimensional database.
- MDDB Report Viewer
a CGI-based viewer that enables users to generate
and view data that is stored in a multidimensional database (MDDB)
without starting a SAS session. The data can be displayed either in
a report format or as a graph.
- Message Router
one of the tunnel feature's server programs. The
Message Router is a CGI program that passes requests to the SAS server,
provided that the statement or request meets certain criteria. The
Message Router receives processed statements or requests from the
Session Agent and then passes them to the applet that is running on
the client machine.
- metabase
a repository in which data sources (tables or
MDDBs) have been registered for a SAS/EIS application.
- metadata
descriptive data about data that is stored and
managed in a database, in order to facilitate access to captured and
archived data for further use.
- metadata repository
a collection of related metadata objects, such
as the metadata for a set of tables and columns that are maintained
by an application. A SAS Metadata Repository is an example.
a method of registering content types and their
associated actions with mechanisms for actions such as retrieval and
display. Short form: MIME.
- MIME type
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type. Examples
of MIME types include image/jpeg, application/zip, and text/html.
- multidimensional database
a specialized data storage structure in which
data is presummarized and cross-tabulated and then stored as individual
cells in a matrix format, rather than in the row-and-column format
of relational database tables. The source data can come either from
a data warehouse or from other data sources. MDDBs can give users
quick, unlimited views of multiple relationships in large quantities
of summarized data.
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- numeric character reference
a symbolic reference in the form <code>&#<i>nnn</i>;</code>
where <i>nnn</i> is a decimal number.
The decimal number represents a special character and enables you
to insert the special character into an HTML document. You can use
a numeric character reference when you need to insert a character
that is not on your keyboard or when you cannot insert a character
directly because of its significance in the HTML.
See Output Delivery System.
- Output Delivery System
a component of SAS software that can produce output
in a variety of formats such as markup languages (HTML, XML), PDF,
listing, RTF, PostScript, and SAS data sets. Short form: ODS.
- path separator character
a character that can be used to separate pathnames
or path patterns in the values of the INCLUDE, NOINCLUDE, and DATASRCFILE
- pool service
a type of Application Server service that starts
new servers as needed for Application Dispatcher requests. Once started,
a server remains available to process future requests.
- port
in a network that uses the TCP/IP protocol, an
endpoint of a logical connection between a client and a server. Each
port is represented by a unique number.
- program
an external SAS file, a SOURCE entry, an SCL entry,
or a MACRO entry that is stored in a program library. Application
Dispatcher also includes several server administration programs that
are built into the server itself.
- program component
a SAS program that is part of an Application Dispatcher
application. The program is invoked within the Application Server.
It receives requests from the server, processes the requests, and
returns the results to the Application Broker for delivery to the
Web browser.
- program library
a SAS library, a partitioned data set, or a directory
that has been designated by the server administrator as a location
from which programs can be run.
- protocol
a set of rules that govern data communications
between computers, between computers and peripheral devices, and between
software applications. TCP/IP, FTP, and HTTP are examples of protocols.
- query string
an optional part of a URL that contains one or
more name/value pairs, preceded by a question mark. The name/value
pairs are sent as input to a program component.
- relative URL
a partial URL that references another location
that is relative to a current URL. A relative URL is constructed by
omitting the URL protocol, the server name, and (optional) part or
all of the path.
- repository
a storage location for data, metadata, or programs.
- repository manager
a container of information about metadata repositories.
The metadata server uses the repository manager to find and manage
metadata repositories.
- repository registration
the process of registering data that describes
a table. Each table that you register in a repository creates a registration
in that repository.
- request data
data that is delivered as input with a request.
The request data includes the information that is required in order
to run the program, as well as input data for the program.
- return code
a numeric value that indicates whether a request
was successful. A return code can also indicate a specific error or
- SAS catalog
a SAS file that stores many different kinds of
information in smaller units called catalog entries. A single SAS
catalog can contain different types of catalog entries.
- SAS catalog entry
a separate storage unit within a SAS catalog.
Each entry has an entry type that identifies its purpose to SAS.
- SAS data set
a file whose contents are in one of the native
SAS file formats. There are two types of SAS data sets: SAS data files
and SAS data views. SAS data files contain data values in addition
to descriptor information that is associated with the data. SAS data
views contain only the descriptor information plus other information
that is required for retrieving data values from other SAS data sets
or from files whose contents are in other software vendors' file formats.
- SAS library
one or more files that are defined, recognized,
and accessible by SAS and that are referenced and stored as a unit.
Each file is a member of the library.
- SAS spawner
a program that runs on a remote host and which
listens for client requests for connection to the remote host. When
the spawner program receives a request, it invokes a SAS session on
the remote host.
- SAS/IntrNet configuration utility
a program that is used to create an Application
Dispatcher service. Short form: inetcfg.
- SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC
a data services component of SAS/SHARE software.
The SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC enables you to create Java programs
that let users access and update data through a direct connection
to a SAS/SHARE server. The SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC is part of the
SAS/IntrNet Java tools.
- SAS/SHARE server
the result of an execution of the SERVER procedure,
which is part of SAS/SHARE software. A server runs in a separate SAS
session that services users' SAS sessions by controlling and executing
input and output requests to one or more SAS libraries.
- SAS/SHARE server library
a SAS library that has been defined to a SAS/SHARE
server. The SAS/SHARE server controls access to the library.
- server
software that provides either resources or services
to requesting clients, possibly over a network.
- server application
an application that runs on a server machine.
Users can use server applications without having to load those applications
on their client machines.
- server library
See SAS/SHARE server library.
- service root directory
the directory that contains configuration directories
for Application Dispatcher services. Each service has a separate directory
in the service root directory.
- servlet
a Java program that runs on a Web server. Servlets
are a complementary technology to applets, which run in Web browsers.
Unlike applet code, servlet code does not have to be downloaded to
a Web browser. Instead, servlets send HTML or other appropriate content
back to a browser or to another type of Web-based client application.
- Session Agent
a detached process that communicates with the
SAS server machine. Based on the statement or request from the applet,
the Session Agent either starts a SAS/CONNECT session on the SAS server
machine or establishes a connection to a SAS/SHARE server. The Session
Agent passes statements or requests from the Message Router directly
to the SAS/CONNECT or SAS/SHARE server, and it returns the results
of the processed statement or request to the Message Router.
- session reconnect
an Application Dispatcher request that connects
to an existing session by specifying the _SERVICE, _SERVER, _PORT,
and _SESSIONID values for that session. Reconnecting to a session
enables the requested program to access macro variables and SAS library
contents that were created by previous requests during that session.
- socket service
a type of Application Server service that routes
requests to one or more previously started Application Servers.
- SOURCE entry
a type of catalog entry that contains text from
SAS text editor windows.
See Structured Query Language.
- static query
in htmSQL, a query that consists of expressions
and clauses that contain constant values and no references to variables.
- Structured Query Language
a standardized, high-level query language that
is used in relational database management systems to create and manipulate
objects in a database management system. SAS implements SQL through
the SQL procedure. Short form: SQL.
- system repository manager
the default repository manager for your site.
an abbreviation for a pair of networking protocols.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol for transferring information on
local area networks such as Ethernets. TCP ensures that process-to-process
information is delivered in the appropriate order. Internet Protocol
(IP) is a protocol for managing connections between operating environments.
IP routes information through the network to a particular operating
environment and fragments and reassembles information in transfers.
- Teletypewriter Network Protocol
See Telnet.
- Telnet
a program that provides virtual terminal services
that enable you to log on to a server from a terminal that is connected
to a client. The client performs as if it were physically connected
to the server. Short form: Telnet.
- thin client
a computer that is deployed across a network,
and is dependent on a server for much of its functionality. In contrast
to the more independent rich client machine, thin clients share resources
with other computers, thereby reducing the costs for software and
- time-out
an error condition that is produced when a required
response from a device or program is not received after a specified
length of time.
- translation table
an SAS catalog entry that is used to map data
from one encoding to another encoding. SAS language elements that
control locale values and encoding properties automatically invoke
the appropriate translation table. Translation tables are specific
to the operating environment; for example, a translation table that
maps the Windows 2 encoding to the ISO Latin 2 encoding.
- tunnel feature
an optional feature of SAS/IntrNet that implements
HTTP tunneling for Java applets, using the SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC
or the SAS/CONNECT driver for Java. HTTP tunneling enables you to
move your SAS server software to a machine other than your Web server.
The tunnel feature consists of the Message Router and Session Agent
programs that are installed on your Web server.
- tunneling
See HTTP tunneling.
- unsafe character
any character in an input value that could be
misinterpreted as part of the syntax of the SAS macro language. Single
quotation marks, double quotation marks, ampersands, percent signs,
and semicolons are all unsafe characters.
- Web browser
a software application that is used to view Web
content, and also to download or upload information. The browser submits
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) requests to a Web server and then translates
the HTML code into a visual display.
- Web server
a computer program that delivers (serves) content,
such as web pages, over the World Wide Web. It can also refer to the
computer or virtual machine that runs the program.
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