lasrsvr clear;
libname source "/data/marketing/2012"; libname target greenplm server = "" user = dbuser password = dbpass schema = public database = template1 dbcommit=1000000; proc hpds2 data = source.mktdata out = target.mktdata (distributed_by = 'distributed randomly'); 1 performance host = "" install = "/opt/TKGrid";; data DS2GTF.out; method run(); set; end; enddata; run; proc hpds2 data = source.mkdata2 out = target.mkdata2 (dbtype=(id='int') distributed_by='distributed by (id)'); 2 performance host = "" install = "/opt/TKGrid"; data DS2GTF.out; method run(); set; end; enddata; run;
1 | The rows of data from the input data set are distributed randomly to Greenplum. |
2 | The id column in the input data set is identified as being an integer data type. The rows of data are distributed based on the value of the id column. |
libname tdlib teradata server="" database=hps user=dbuser password=dbpass bulkload=yes; 1 data tdlib.order_fact; set work.order_fact; run; data tdlib.product_dim (dbtype=(partno='int') 2 dbcreate_table_opts='primary index(partno)'); 3 set work.product_dim; run; data tdlib.salecode(dbtype=(_day='int' fpop='varchar(2)') bulkload=yes dbcreate_table_opts='primary index(_day,fpop)'); 4 set work.salecode; run; data tdlib.automation(bulkload=yes dbcommit=1000000 5 dbcreate_table_opts='unique primary index(obsnum)'); 6 set automation; obsnum = _n_; run;
1 | Specify the BULKLOAD=YES option. This option is shown as a LIBNAME option but you can specify it as a data set option. |
2 | Specify a data type of int for the variable named partno. |
3 | Specify to use the variable named partno as the distribution key for the table. |
4 | Specify to use the variables that are named _day and fpop as a distribution key for the table that is named salecode. |
5 | Specify the DBCOMMIT= option when you are loading many rows. This option interacts with the BULKLOAD= option to perform checkpointing. Checkpointing provides known synchronization points if a failure occurs during the loading process. |
6 | Specify
the UNIQUE keyword in the table
options to indicate that the primary key is unique. This keyword can
improve table loading performance.
libname gplib greenplm server="" database=hps schema=public user=dbuser password=dbpass; data gplib.automation(distributed_by='distributed randomly'); 1 set work.automation; run; data gplib.results(dbtype=(rep='int') 2 distributed_by='distributed by (rep)') 3; set work.results; run; data gplib.salecode(dbtype=(day='int' fpop='varchar(2)') 4 distributed_by='distributed by day,fpop'); 5 set work.salecode; run;
1 | Specify a random distribution of the data. This data set option is for the SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum. |
2 | Specify a data type of int for the variable named rep. |
3 | Specify to use the variable named rep as the distribution key for the table that is named results. |
4 | Specify a data type of int for the variable named day and a data type of varchar(2) for the variable named fpop. |
5 | Specify to use the combination of variables day and fpop as the distribution key for the table that is named salecode. |
libname tdlib teradata server="" database=hps user=dbuser password=dbpass; data tdlib.parts_dim; set work.parts_dim; run;