PARTITION= Data Set Option

specifies the list of partitioning variables to use for partitioning the table.

Interaction: If you specify the PARTITION= option and the BLOCKSIZE= option, but the block size is less than the calculated size that is needed for a block, the operation fails and the table is not added to HDFS. If you do not specify a block size, the size is calculated to accommodate the largest partition.
Adding a Table to HDFS with Partitioning




Partitioning is available only when you add tables to HDFS. If you partition the table when you add it to HDFS, it becomes a partitioned in-memory table when you load it to SAS LASR Analytic Server. If you also specify the ORDERBY= option, then the ordering is preserved when the table is loaded to memory too.
Partition keys are derived based on the formatted values in the order of the variable names in the variable-list. All of the rows with the same partition key are stored in a single block. This ensures that all the data for a partition is loaded into memory on a single machine in the cluster. The blocks are replicated according to the default replication factor or the value that you specify for the COPIES= option.
If user-defined formats are used, then the format name is stored with the table, but not the format. The format for the variable must be available to the SAS LASR Analytic Server when the table is loaded into memory. This can be done by having the format in the format catalog search path for the SAS session.
Be aware that the key construction is not hierarchical. That is, PARTITION=(A B) specifies that any unique combination of formatted values for variables A and B defines a partition.
Partitioning by a variable that does not exist in the output table is an error. Partitioning by a variable listed in the ORDERBY= option is also an error.