Starting the Grid Monitor

The grid monitor is used to monitor distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server and high-performance procedures. The monitor is installed with SAS Foundation on the machine that is used as the SAS client. This can be a Linux machine or a Windows machine.
The monitor program is available at the following location, depending on your operating environment:
UNIX Specifics: SASHome/SASFoundation/Version/utilities/bin/tkgridmon
Windows Specifics: SASHome\SASFoundation\Version\tkgridmon.exe
You must specify values for -gridhost and -gridinstall. You must also specify the -startui option. See the following example:
./tkgridmon -gridhost -gridinstall /opt/TKGrid -startui
The same options apply to the Windows operating environment.
The initial display of the monitor is the node view, as show in Grid Monitor Node View.