BLOCKSIZE= Data Set Option

specifies the block size to use for distributing the data set.

Valid in: DATA Step
Default: 2 megabytes
Creating a SASHDAT File from Another SASHDAT File




By default, the SAS Data in HDFS engine distributes data in 2-megabyte blocks or the length of a record, which ever is greater. You can override this value by specifying the block size to use. Suffix values are B (bytes), K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), and G (gigabytes). The actual block size is slightly larger than the value that you specify. This occurs for any of the following reasons:
  • to reach the record length. This occurs if the specified size is less than the record length.
  • to align on a 512-byte boundary.
  • to include a metadata header in HDFS for the SASHDAT file.
The following code shows an example of specifying the BLOCKSIZE= option.
Using the BLOCKSIZE= Data Set Option
data hdfs.sales (blocksize=48M);
    set yr2012.sales;