Column Name
contains the name of
the model
contains the sasscore_modelname.ds2 file
contains the sasscore_modelname_ufmt.xml file
Reserved by SAS for
future use
contains the UUID of
the source model
contains additional
information that describes the source model
1This column is for use by SAS Model Manager. If you have a model table that was created prior to SAS 9.4 and you want this column, you must run the %INDGP_CREATE_MODELTABLE macro to re-create your model table. |
%let indconn = user=youruserid password=yourpwd dsn=yourdsn schema=yourschema;
specifies the name of a Greenplum database where the sasscore_modelname.ds2 and sasscore_modelname_ufmt.xml scoring files are held.
Default | The database specified in the INDCONN macro variable or your current database |
specifies the name of the table that holds the sasscore_modelname.ds2 and sasscore_modelname_ufmt.xml scoring files.
Default | sas_model_table |
Requirements | The maximum table name length is 63 characters and it must be a valid Greenplum table name. |
The table name that you specify for this macro must be the same table name that is used in the %INDGP_PUBLISH_MODEL macro. | |
See | %INDGP_PUBLISH_MODEL Macro Syntax |
specifies one of the following actions that the macro performs:
creates a new table.
Tip | If the table has been previously defined and you specify ACTION=CREATE, an error is issued. |
overwrites the current table, if a table with the same name is already registered.
Tip | If you specify ACTION = REPLACE, and the current table contains sasscore_modelname.ds2 and sasscore_modelname_ufmt.xml files, the files are deleted and an empty table is re-created. |
causes all models in this table to be dropped.
Default | CREATE |
%let indconn = user=user1 password=open1 dsn=dsn6 schema=GPschema; %indgp_publish_model (dir= C:\models, modelname= almush02, action=create, mechanism=ep, outdir=C:\test ); proc sql noerrorstop; connect to greenplm (user=user1 password=open1 dsn=dsn6 schema=GPschema); create table test.dbscore as select * from connection to greenplm (select id, "EM_CLASSIFICATION" , "EM_EVENTPROBABILITY" , "EM_PROBABILITY" from public.SAS_EP(TABLE(select id ,"capcolor" ,"capsurf" ,"odor" ,"ringnumb" ,"sporepc" ,"stalkcbr" ,"stalksbr" from model.almush02), 'select modelds2, modelformats from model.sas_model_table where upper(modelname)=''ALMUSH02'' '); ) ; quit;
specifies the name of the schema where the SAS_EP function was created.
Note | The SAS_EP function is created in the database by the %INDGP_PUBLISH_COMPILEUDF_EP macro. For more information, see SAS In-Database Products: Administrator's Guide. |
specifies the name of the column or columns that are read from the input table and passed to the SAS_EP function.
specifies the name of the schema where the input table exists.
specifies the input table that is used by the SAS_EP function.
specifies how the input data is distributed.
specifies how the input data is sorted within its distribution.
specifies the name of the model table where the sasscore_modelname.ds2 and sasscore_modelname_ufmt.xml scoring files were published with the %INDGP_CREATE_MODELTABLE macro.
Requirement | The table name that you specify for this function must be the same table name that is used in the %INDGP_CREATE_MODELTABLE macro. For more information, see %INDGP_CREATE_MODELTABLE Macro Syntax. |
specifies the name of the model.
select modelname from <schema.>sas-model-table;
proc sql; connect to greenplm (user=userid password=xxxx dsn=mydsn schema=myschema); select * from connection to greenplm (select modelname from schema.sas_model_table); disconnect from greenplm; quit;
ls $GPHOME/lib/*gppc*
/usr/local/greenplum-db -> /usr/local/greenplum-db-