Here is a simple
BTEQ program that can be used to verify that the SAS Data Quality
Accelerator for Teradata is operational.
The code first lists
the locales that are installed in the QKB. Then it creates a table
named Dqacceltest and executes the DQ_GENDER() stored procedure on
the table. Before running the example, substitute a real value for
the output_table_1, output_table_2,
and locale variables throughout
the program. For locale, use
one of the values returned by the DQ_LIST_LOCALES() stored procedure.
This example assumes that the SAS Data Quality Accelerator for Teradata
is using the QKB for Contact Information.
The example also sets
the SAS Data Quality Accelerator DQ_OVERWRITE_TABLE option to create
temporary output tables in the SAS Data Quality Accelerator session.
If you run the example again in the same SAS Data Quality Accelerator
session, the new output tables overwrite any existing output tables
and the output tables are automatically discarded at the end of the
session. The DROP TABLE statement removes table Dqacceltest from your
call sas_sysfnlib.dq_list_locales('mydb.output_table_1');
select * from mydb.output_table_1;
call sas_sysfnlib.dq_set_option('DQ_OVERWRITE_TABLE', '1');
create table mydb.dqacceltest (id_num integer, name varchar(64))
unique primary index(id_num);
insert into mydb.dqacceltest (id_num, name) values (1, 'John Smith');
insert into mydb.dqacceltest (id_num, name) values (2, 'Mary Jones');
call sas_sysfnlib.dq_gender('Name', 'mydb.dqacceltest', 'name', 'id_num',
'mydb.output_table_2', 'locale');
select gender from mydb.output_table_2;
drop table mydb.dqacceltest;
If the request was successful,
the SELECT statement produces an output table that contains this: