Aster Installation and Configuration

Aster Installation and Configuration Steps

  1. If you are upgrading from a previous release, follow the instructions in Upgrading from a Previous Version before installing the in-database deployment package.
  2. Install the in-database deployment package.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

Follow these steps to upgrade from a previous release.
  1. Log on to the queen node.
    ssh -l root name-or-ip-of-queen-node
  2. Move to the partner directory.
    cd /home/beehive/partner
  3. If a SAS or SASEPHome directory exists in the partner directory, enter these commands to remove the existing installation from the queen and all of the workers.
    hostname -i;
    rm -rf $location/SAS;
    rm -rf $location/SASEPHome;
    for ip in `cat /home/beehive/cluster-management/hosts | grep node |
       awk '{print $3}'`; \
    do \
       echo $ip; \
       ssh $ip "rm -r $location/SAS"; \
       ssh $ip "rm -r $location/SASEPHome"; \

Installing the In-Database Deployment Package Binary Files for Aster

Unzipping the In-Database Deployment Package for Aster

The in-database deployment package binary files for Aster are contained in a self-extracting archive file named This file is contained in a ZIP file that is put in your SAS Software Depot directory.
To unzip the in-database deployment package for Aster:
  1. Create a new temporary directory on your client machine such as /sasep. The new directory is referred to as EPZipDir throughout this section.
  2. Navigate to the YourSASDepot/standalone_installs directory. This directory was created when you created your SAS Software Depot.
  3. Locate the file. The file is located in the YourSASDepot/standalone_installs/SAS_Core_Embedded_Process_Package_for_Aster/12_0/Aster_on_Linux_x64 directory.
    The file is included in this ZIP file.
  4. Copy the file to your EPZipDir temporary directory on the client machine.
    cp /EPZipDir
  5. Navigate to your EPZipDir temporary directory and unzip
    After the file is unzipped, a sasexe directory is created in the same location as the file. The is in the /EPZipDir/sasexe directory.

Installing the In-Database Deployment Package Binary Files for Aster

The in-database deployment package binary files for Aster are contained in a self-extracting archive file named To install the in-database deployment package binary files for Aster, you need root privileges for the queen node. Once you are logged in to the queen node as root, you need to create a directory in which to put, execute, and install the SAS_SCORE( ) and the SAS_PUT( ) SQL/MR functions.
Enter these commands to install the SAS System Libraries and the binary files:
  1. Log on to the queen node.
    ssh -l root name-or-ip-of-queen-node
  2. Move to the parent of the partner directory.
    cd /home/beehive/
  3. Create a partner directory if it does not already exist.
    mkdir partner
  4. Move to the partner directory.
    cd partner
  5. From the SAS client machine, copy the from the client EPZipDir directory to the partner directory on the queen node.
    1. Navigate to the /EPZipDir/sasexe directory on the client machine.
    2. Copy the self-extracting archive file to the partner directory on the queen node. This example uses secure copy.
      scp root@astmach1:/home/beehive/partner
  6. If your client does not copy the executable attribute from the client machine to the server, add the EXECUTE permission to the self-extracting archive file after the file is transferred to the server.
    chmod 755 -r
  7. Unpack the self-extracting archive file in the partner directory.
    This installs the SAS Embedded Process on the queen node. When Aster synchronizes the beehive, the files are copied to all the nodes. This can take a long time.
  8. (Optional) There are two methods to copy the files to the nodes right away. You can do either of the following steps:
    • Run the following code to manually move the files across all nodes on the beehive by using secure copy and SSH:
      cd $location
      for ip in `cat /home/beehive/cluster-management/hosts | 
         grep node | awk '{print $3}'`; \
      do \ 
      echo $ip; \ 
      scp -r sepcore* root@$ip":$location"; \ 
      ssh $ip "cd $location; ./";
    • Run this command to synchronize the beehive and restart the database:
      /home/beehive/bin/utils/primitives/ -u 
  9. Navigate to the directory where the SAS Embedded Process is installed.
    cd /home/beehive/partner/SASEPHome/sasexe
  10. Install the SAS_SCORE( ), SAS_PUT( ), and other SQL/MR functions.
    1. Start the ACT tool.
      /home/beehive/clients/act -U db_superuser -w db_superuser-password
      -d database-to-install-sas_score-into
    2. Run this command to verify if there are any existing SQL/MR functions installed:
      \dF *SAS*
      If you see existing SAS functions installed, it is recommended that you remove them before installing the new ones. Enter these commands to remove the functions:
    3. Enter the following commands to install the new SQL/MR functions. The SQL/MR functions need to be installed under the PUBLIC schema.
  11. Exit the ACT tool.
  12. Verify the existence and current date of the tkast-runInCluster and files. These two binary files are needed by the SAS SQL/MR functions.
    for ip in \
    `cat /home/beehive/cluster-management/hosts | grep node | awk '{print $3}'`; \
       do \
       echo $ip; \
       ssh $ip "ls -al /home/beehive/partner/SASEPHome/sasexe/"; \
       ssh $ip "ls -al /home/beehive/partner/SASEPHome/utilities/bin/
          tkast-runInCluster"; \
Last updated: February 9, 2017