What’s New in SAS 9.4 In-Database Products: Administrator’s Guide


In SAS 9.4, the following new features and enhancements were added to expand the capabilities of the SAS In-Database products:
  • In the November 2016 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Aster, DB2, Greenplum, Netezza, Oracle, and SAP Hana has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.
    • If you use the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator for Hadoop, the SPD Engine SerDe can be used to access Hive tables.
    • Several new properties have been added to the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop ep-config.xml file that enable you to adjust performance.
    • Deploying the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop no longer requires root or sudo access.
    • Changes have been made to the sasep-admin.sh SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop deployment script.
    • SAS in-database processing in Teradata now supports single sign-on (SSO) authentication.
    • IBM BigInsights and Pivotal HD now support the Ambari server cluster manager. You can now use the SAS Deployment Manager to install the in-database deployment package for Hadoop on IBM BigInsights and Pivotal HD.
  • In the January 2016 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • The removal of the SAS Embedded Process stack using Ambari has been simplified. The delete_stack.sh file now enables you to remove the ep-config.xml file, a specific version of the SAS Embedded Process, or all versions of the SAS Embedded Process.
    • A new panel that lists the products being installed by the SAS Deployment Manager has been added. Information that appears on other panels also reflects more closely what is being installed.
  • In the July 2015 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Teradata has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.
    • The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop has changed significantly. For Cloudera and Hortonworks, Cloudera Manager and Ambari are used to install the SAS Embedded Process and the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files. For IBM BigInsights, MapR, and Pivotal HD, the in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. In addition, the SAS Embedded Process and the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files are installed with one script instead of in two separate scripts. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.
  • In the August 2014 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • Numerous changes were made to the installation and configuration script for the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop.
  • In the April 2014 release of SAS 9.4, documentation enhancements were made in the following areas:
    • Additional information about the installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop was added.
    • Added semaphore requirements when using the SAS Embedded Process for Greenplum.
  • In the December 2013 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • New Hadoop JAR files are now tied to the version of Apache Hadoop that you are using.
  • In the June 2013 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
    • In-database scoring for Netezza has been enhanced by the addition of the SAS Embedded Process. The SAS Embedded Process is a SAS server process that runs within Netezza to read and write data.
    • The Hadoop scripts that install, control, and provide a status of the SAS Embedded Process have changed. There is now just one script, sasep-server.sh, that installs both the SAS Embedded Process and the Hadoop JAR files.

SAS In-Database Code Accelerator

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

If you use the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator for Hadoop, the SPD Engine SerDe can be used to access Hive tables.

SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The SAS In-Database Code Accelerator must be licensed at your site.

Aster Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Aster has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

DB2 Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for DB2 has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

Greenplum Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Greenplum has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

April 2014 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

Information about semaphore requirements when using the SAS Embedded Process was added to SAS In-Database Products: Administrator’s Guide.

SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

There are several changes for Greenplum:
  • Version 1.2 of the Greenplum Partner Connector (GPPC) is now available and should be installed if you use SAS Embedded Process 9.4.
  • A new script, UninstallSASEPFiles.sh, is available. This script stops and uninstalls the SAS Embedded Process on each database host node.

Hadoop Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

In the November 2016 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
  • The number of SAS Embedded Process JAR files that are installed during deployment has been reduced from six to one.
  • Several new properties have been added to the SAS Embedded Process ep-config.xml file that enable you to adjust performance.
  • If you license SAS Data Loader for Hadoop, SAS Data Quality Accelerator for Teradata, or SAS Contextual Analysis In-Database Scoring for Hadoop, the Data Quality Accelerator for Hadoop, the Data Quality Accelerator for Teradata, and the SAS Contextual Analysis In-Database Scoring for Hadoop components are included in the in-database deployment package for Hadoop and Teradata, respectively.
  • Deploying the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop no longer requires root or sudo access.
  • IBM BigInsights and Pivotal HD now support the Ambari server cluster manager. You can now use the SAS Deployment Manager to install the in-database deployment package for Hadoop on IBM BigInsights and Pivotal HD.
  • The sasep-admin.sh script has been changed:
    • A new option, -x, has been added that enables you to deploy the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop without root or sudo access.
    • The -genconfig and -log options have been deleted.

January 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

In the January 2016 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
  • The removal of the SAS Embedded Process stack using Ambari has been simplified. The delete_stack.sh file now enables you to remove the ep-config.xml file, a specific version of the SAS Embedded Process, or all versions of the SAS Embedded Process.
  • A new panel that lists the products being installed by the SAS Deployment Manager has been added. Information that appears on other panels also reflects more closely what is being installed.

July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Hadoop has changed.
  • For Cloudera and Hortonworks, Cloudera Manager and Ambari are used to install the SAS Embedded Process and the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files.
  • For IBM BigInsights, MapR, and Pivotal HD, the in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot.
  • The SAS Embedded Process and the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files are installed with one script instead of in two separate scripts. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.
  • The sasep-servers.sh file has changed names to the sasep-admin.sh file. Some of the scripts arguments are no longer needed and have been deleted. Other arguments have been added.

August 2014 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

In the August 2014 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
  • Instead of manually selecting the Hadoop JAR files to the client machine, the SAS Embedded Process determines which version of the JAR files are required and gathers them into a ZIP file for you to copy to the client machine.
  • You now have the option whether to automatically start the SAS Embedded Process when the installation is complete.

April 2014 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The documentation about the installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process was enhanced.

December 2013 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

In the December 2013 release of SAS 9.4, the following changes and enhancements were made:
  • The trace log messages for the SAS Embedded Process are now stored in the MapReduce job log.
  • A new option, hdfsuser, is available in the sasep-servers.sh script. hdfsuser specifies the user ID that has Write access to HDFS root directory.
  • The Cloudera JAR files for the SAS Embedded Process have been replaced by a set of Apache JAR files. The new JAR files are based on a release of the Apache Hadoop instead of a particular Hadoop distributor.

SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The Hadoop scripts that install, control, and provide a status of the SAS Embedded Process have changed. There is now just one script, sasep-servers.sh, that installs both the SAS Embedded Process and the Hadoop JAR files. Running this script also enables you to start, stop, and provide a status of the SAS Embedded Process.

Netezza Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Netezza has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The SAS Embedded Process for Netezza has a new cartridge file that creates the NZRC database.

SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

In-database scoring for Netezza has been enhanced by the addition of the SAS Embedded Process. The SAS Embedded Process is a SAS server process that runs within Netezza to read and write data. The SAS Embedded Process can be used with the SAS Scoring Accelerator for Netezza to run scoring models.

Oracle Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Oracle has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

SAP HANA Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for SAP Hana has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.

July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

If you are using SAP HANA SPS9, the SAS Embedded Process for SAP HANA must be manually started. For previous versions, the SAS Embedded Process was automatically started by the SASAFL plug-in. In addition, a different procedure must be used to deploy the SASAFL plug-in.

Teradata Changes

November 2016 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

SAS in-database processing in Teradata now supports single sign-on (SSO) authentication.

July 2015 Release of SAS 9.4: Changes and Enhancements

The installation and configuration of the SAS Embedded Process for Teradata has changed. The in-database deployment package is delivered to the client from the SAS Install Depot. The new process has a smaller client footprint and is a faster install process.
Last updated: February 9, 2017