Deploy Files

The following deployment steps assume that the extracted ZIP files are located directly on the Cloudera Manager or Ambari server or that you have placed the extracted ZIP files on a network location that is accessible to Cloudera Manager or the Ambari server.

Cloudera Manager

Creating Parcels

Navigate to the Admin directory and execute the following:
./bin/ -s pathname/Admin/cdhmanager –t pathname/Admin/parcels –v distro
where pathname is the location of the unzipped file structure and distro is one of the following Linux distributions: redhat5, redhat6, suse11x, ubuntu10, ubuntu12, ubuntu14, debian6, or debian7. You can also enter -v all to specify all distributions.

Deploying the Services to Cloudera

You must deploy SAS In-Database Deployment Package (SASEP) and SAS Quality Knowledge Base (SASQKB). Deploy SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark (SASDMSPARK) only if Spark is available on the cluster. It is recommended that you periodically update the QKB. For more information, see Updating and Customizing the QKB.
  1. Copy the following Custom Service Descriptor (CSD) files to the Cloudera Manager host, where pathname is the path to the unzipped files:
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/indatabase/SASEP-9.43.jar /opt/cloudera/csd
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/qkb/SASQKB-26.jar /opt/cloudera/csd
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/dmspark/SASDMSPARK-2.4.jar /opt/cloudera/csd
  2. Copy the following parcels to the Cloudera Manager host, where pathname is the path to the unzipped files:
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/indatabase/SASEP-9.43.pdl.24-el6.parcel* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/qkb/SASQKB-26.pdl.24-el6.parcel* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
    cp pathname/Admin/cdhmanager/dmspark/SASDMSPARK-2.4.pdl.24-el6.parcel* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
  3. On the Cloudera Manager host, change the ownership permissions on each of the following files:
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/SASEP-9.43.jar
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/SASQKB-26.jar
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/SASDMSPARK-2.4.jar
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/SASEP-9.43.pdl.24-el6.parcel*
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/SASQKB-26.pdl.24-el6.parcel*
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/SASDMSPARK-2.4.pdl.24-el6.parcel*
    Note: If installing all three services, you can condense these commands as follows:
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/SAS*
    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/SAS*
  4. Restart the Cloudera Manager server by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart
  5. Log on to Cloudera Manager.
  6. Activate each of the three parcels.
    Note: The following steps are iterative. For example, you must activate SASEP before activating SASQKB before activating SASDMSPARK.
    Select Hoststhen selectParcels. The parcels are located under your cluster. Complete the following for each parcel:
    1. Click Distribute to copy the parcel to all nodes.
    2. Click Activate. You are prompted either to restart the cluster or close the window.
    3. When prompted, click Close.
      Do not restart the cluster.
  7. Add each of the three services. This creates files in HDFS.
    • The following steps are iterative. For example, you must add the SASEP service before adding SASQKB before adding SASDMSPARK.
    • After adding a service, do not proceed to add another service without stopping the service that you have just added. If you proceed to add another service while any of the other services are running, an error might be returned.
    Complete the following for each service:
    1. Navigate to Cloudera Manager Home.
    2. In Cloudera Manager, select the drop-down arrow next to the name of the cluster, and then select Add a Service. The Add Service Wizard appears.
    3. Select the service and click Continue.
    4. Select the dependencies for the service in the Add Service Wizardthen selectSelect the set of dependencies for your new service page. Click Continue.
      Note: The dependencies are automatically selected for this service.
    5. Select a node for the service in the Add Service Wizardthen selectCustomize Role Assignments page. Click OK, and then click Continue.
      A file is added to HDFS for each of the services as follows:
      • SASEP: /sas/ep/config/ep-config.xml
      • SASQKB: /sas/qkb/default.idx
      • SASDMSPARK: /sas/ep/config/dmp-config.xml
    6. Click Continue, and then click Finish.
Note: If the services that you have just deployed are started, navigate to Cloudera Manager Home and stop them.


Deploying the Services to Hortonworks

You must deploy SAS In-Database Deployment Package (SASEP) and SAS Quality Knowledge Base (SASQKB). Deploy SAS Data Management Accelerator for Spark (SASDMSPARK) only if Spark is available on the cluster. It is recommended that you periodically update the QKB. For more information, see Updating and Customizing the QKB.
Note: You must complete the following steps on the Ambari Server host as the root user or as a user with sudo access
  1. Copy the following files to the Ambari host, where pathname is the path to the unzipped files:
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/indatabase/SASEPINSTALL.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/qkb/QKBINSTALL.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/dmspark/SASDMSPARKINSTALL.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources
  2. Execute the following command:
    cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources
  3. Extract the contents of the following files:
    tar –xvf SASEPINSTALL.gz
    Note: You do not need to extract QKBINSTALL.gz. During the deployment process, this file is extracted to each of the nodes in the cluster.
  4. Copy and extract the following files to the Ambari host, where pathname is the path to the unzipped files:
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/indatabase/stacks.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    tar -xvf stacks.gz
    rm stacks.gz
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/qkb/stacks.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    tar -xvf stacks.gz
    rm stacks.gz
    cp pathname/Admin/ambari/dmspark/stacks.gz /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services
    tar -xvf stacks.gz
    rm stacks.gz
  5. Restart the Ambari server by running the following command:
    sudo ambari-server restart
  6. Log on to Ambari.
  7. Deploy the services:
    1. Click Actions and select + Add Service.
      The Add Service Wizard page and the Choose Services panel appear.
    2. In the Choose Services panel, select SASEP SERVICE, SAS QKB, and SASDMSPARK. Click Next.
      The Assign Slaves and Clients panel appears.
    3. In the Assign Slaves and Clients panel, select the NameNode, HDFS_CLIENT, and HCAT_CLIENT under Client where you want the stack to be deployed.
      The Customize Services panel appears.
      The SASQKB, SASDMSPARK, and SASEP SERVICE stacks are listed.
    4. Do not change any settings on the Customize Services panel. Click Next.
      Note: If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, the Configure Identities panel appears. Enter your Kerberos credentials in the admin_principal and admin_password text boxes.
      If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, the Configure Identities panel appears. Enter your Kerberos credentials in the admin_principal and admin_password text boxes. Click Next.
      The Review panel appears.
    5. Review the information about the panel. If everything is correct, click Deploy.
      The Install, Start, and Test panel appears. When the stack is installed on all nodes, click Next.
      The Summary panel appears.
    6. Click Complete. The stacks are now installed on all nodes of the cluster.
      SASEP SERVICE, SASQKB, and SASDMSPARK are displayed on the Ambari dashboard.
    7. After deploying all of the services, verify that the following files exist in the Hadoop file system:
      • SASEP: /sas/ep/config/ep-config.xml
      • SASQKB: /sas/qkb/default.idx
      • SASDMSPARK: /sas/ep/config/dmp-config.xml