Installing the SAS Embedded Process

To install the SAS Embedded Process and SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files, follow these steps:
Note: Permissions are needed to install the SAS Embedded Process and SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files. For more information, see Hadoop Permissions.
  1. Navigate to the location on your Hadoop master node where you copied the file.
    cd /EPInstallDir
    For more information, see Step 4 in Copying the SAS Embedded Process Install Script.
  2. Ensure that both the EPInstallDir folder and the file have Read, Write, and Execute permissions (chmod 777 —R).
  3. Unzip the file.
    After the file is unzipped, a sasexe directory is created in the same location as the file. The file is in the sasexe directory.
  4. Use the following command to unpack the file.
    After this script is run and the files are unpacked, the script creates the following directory structure where EPInstallDir is the location on the master node from Step 2.
    Note: During the install process, the is copied to all data nodes. Do not remove or move this file from the EPInstallDir/sasexe directory.
    The SASEPHome directory structure should look like this.
    The EPInstallDir/sasexe/SASEPHome/jars directory contains the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files.
    The EPInstallDir/sasexe/SASEPHome/bin directory should look similar to this.
  5. Use the script to deploy the SAS Embedded Process installation across all nodes.
    This is when the file is copied to all data nodes.
    Many options are available for installing the SAS Embedded Process. We recommend that you review the script syntax before running it. For more information, see SASEP-ADMIN.SH Script.
    Note: If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, complete both steps a and b. If your cluster is not secured with Kerberos, complete only step b.
    1. If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, the HDFS user must have a valid Kerberos ticket to access HDFS. This can be done with kinit.
      sudo su - root
      su - hdfs | hdfs-userid
      kinit -kt location of keytab file user for which you are requesting a ticket
      Note: For all Hadoop distributions except MapR, the default HDFS user is hdfs. For MapR distributions, the default HDFS user is mapr. You can specify a different user ID with the -hdfsuser argument when you run the -add script.
      Note: To check the status of your Kerberos ticket on the server run klist while you are running as the -hdfsuser user. Here is an example:
      Ticket cache: FILE/tmp/krb5cc_493
      Default principal: hdfs@HOST.COMPANY.COM
      Valid starting    Expires           Service principal
      06/20/15 09:51:26 06/27/15 09:51:26 krbtgt/HOST.COMPANY.COM@HOST.COMPANY.COM
           renew until 06/22/15 09:51:26
    2. Run the script. Review all of the information in this step before running the script.
      cd EPInstallDir/sasexe/SASEPHome/bin/
      ./ -add
      Note: The script must be run from the EPInstallDir/sasexe/SASEPHome/bin/ location.
      There are many options available when installing the SAS Embedded Process. We recommend that you review the script syntax before running it. For more information, see SASEP-ADMIN.SH Script.
    Note: By default, the SAS Embedded Process install script ( discovers the cluster topology and installs the SAS Embedded Process on all DataNode nodes, including the host node from where you run the script (the Hadoop master NameNode). This occurs even if a DataNode is not present. If you want to add the SAS Embedded Process to new nodes at a later time, you should run the script with the -host <hosts> option.
  6. Verify that the SAS Embedded Process is installed by running the script with the -check option.
    cd EPInstallDir/sasexe/SASEPHome/bin/
    ./ -check
    This command checks if the SAS Embedded Process is installed on all data nodes.
    Note: The -check script does not run successfully if the SAS Embedded Process is not installed.
  7. If your distribution is running MapReduce 1 or your SAS client is running on the second maintenance release for SAS 9.4, follow these steps. Otherwise, skip to Step 8.
    Note: For more information, see Backward Compatibility.
    1. Verify that the sas.hadoop.ep.apache*.jar files are now in the hadoop/lib directory.
      For Cloudera, the JAR files are typically located here:
      For Hortonworks, the JAR files are typically located here:
    2. Restart the Hadoop MapReduce service.
      This enables the cluster to load the SAS Hadoop MapReduce JAR files (sas.hadoop.ep.*.jar).
      Note: It is preferable to restart the service by using Cloudera Manager or Ambari (for Hortonworks), if available.
  8. Verify that the configuration file, ep-config.xml, was written to the HDFS file system.
    hadoop fs -ls /sas/ep/config
    Note: If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, you need a valid Kerberos ticket to access HDFS. If not, you can use the WebHDFS browser.
    Note: The /sas/ep/config directory is created automatically when you run the install script. If you used the -epconfig or -genconfig to specify a non-default location, use that location to find the ep-config.xml file.