Additional Configuration for IBM BigInsights

Additional Configuration for IBM BigInsights 3.0

If you are installing the SAS Embedded Process on IBM BigInsights 3.0, you must revise the hadoop.job.history.user.location property in the core-site.xml file that is in the SAS_HADOOP_CONFIG_PATH to a value other than the output directory. Otherwise, loading data into the Hive table fails. Here is an example where the output directory is set to /tmp.

Additional Configuration for IBM BigInsights 4.1

If you are installing the SAS Embedded Process on IBM BigInsights 4.1, you must manually revise the following properties in the mapred-site.xml property file on the SAS client side. Otherwise, an error occurs when you submit a program to Hadoop.
The IBM BigInsights 4.1 mapred-site.xml property file contains numerous values with the parameter ${iop.version}, including mapreduce.application.classpath. You must change ${iop.version} to the actual cluster version. This example assumes that the current version is and changes the mapreduce.admin.user.env property.