Validation of Publishing Functions

Validating the Publishing of the SAS_COMPILEUDF, SAS_COPYUDF, SAS_DIRECTORYUDF, and SAS_DEHEXUDF Functions

To validate that the SAS_COMPILEUDF, SAS_COPYUDF, SAS_DIRECTORYUDF, and SAS_DEHEXUDF functions are registered properly under the SASLIB schema in the specified database, follow these steps.
  1. Use psql to connect to the database.
    psql -d databasename
    You should receive the following prompt.
  2. At the prompt, enter the following command.
    select prosrc from pg_proc f, pg_namespace s where f.pronamespace=s.oid 
        and upper(s.nspname)='SASLIB';
    You should receive a result similar to the following:

Validating the Publishing of the SAS_EP Function

To validate that the SAS_EP function is registered properly under the specified schema in the specified database, follow these steps.
  1. Use psql to connect to the database.
    psql -d databasename
    You should receive the following prompt.
  2. At the prompt, enter the following command.
    select prosrc, probin from pg_catalog.pg_proc where proname = 'sas_ep';
    You should receive a result similar to the following:
    SAS_EP | $libdir/SAS/
  3. Exit psql.