Configuring a Hadoop Distributed File System

To enable users to publish scoring model files to a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) from SAS Model Manager using the SAS Embedded Process:
  1. Copy the Hadoop core and common Hadoop JAR files to the client machine. For more information, see Copying Hadoop JAR Files to the Client Machine.
  2. Create an HDFS directory where the model files can be stored.
    Note: The path to this directory is used when a user publishes a model from the SAS Model Manager user interface to Hadoop.
  3. Grant users Write access permission to the HDFS directory.
  4. Add these lines of code to the file that is located in the Windows directory\SAS-configuration-directory\Lev#\SASApp\WorkspaceServer\:
    %let HADOOP_Config = %str(merged-configuration-filepath);
    %let HADOOP_Auth = Kerberos or blank; 
    UNIX Specifics: The location of the file for UNIX is /SAS-confirguration-directory/Lev#/SASApp/WorkspaceServer/.
    HADOOP_Config is used to replace the use of a merged configuration file. The configuration files are copied to a location on the client machine and the HADOOP_Config variable is set to that location. If your Hadoop server is configured with Kerberos, set the HADOOP_Auth variable to Kerberos. Otherwise, leave it blank. For more information about the merged configuration file, see How to Merge Configuration File Properties.
  5. (Optional) If you want users to be able to copy the publish code and execute it using Base SAS, then this line of code must be added to the sasv9.cfg file that is located in the Windows directory \SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\:
    -AUTOEXEC ‘\SAS-confirguration-directory\Lev#\SASApp\WorkspaceServer\'
    UNIX Specifics: The location of the sasv9.cfg file for UNIX is /SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/.