
Step 3: Create the Source Files

Usually the first files that you create are the source files that define the SAS/IML modules that you will distribute.

You can use .sas or .iml as the extension for a source file. For more information about file extensions, see the section Naming Source Files. This documentation uses the .iml extension.

In the source directory, create a file named RightTriangle.iml. (Notice that the case of this filename matches the case that was specified in the info.txt file.) Include the following SAS/IML statements in the file. Notice that the file does not contain the PROC IML or QUIT statements.

/* Modules for the RightTriangle package */
/* Do NOT include the PROC IML or QUIT statements! */

/* Given a vector that contains the three side lengths of a
   triangle, this function returns 1 if the triangle is a right
   triangle and 0 otherwise. */
start IsRightTriangle(vert);
   v = colvec(vert);
   call sort(v, 1);
   a = v[1]; b = v[2]; c = v[3];
   return ( a##2 + b##2 = c##2 );

/* Given the lengths of the hypotenuse and a leg of a right
   triangle, this function finds the length of the other leg. */
start FindLeg(v);
   b = min(v);  c = max(v);
   d = c##2 - b##2;
   if d>0 then return( sqrt(d) );
   else return( . );

/* Given the lengths of two legs of a right triangle,
   this function finds the length of the hypotenuse. */
start FindHypotenuse(v);
   b = max(v);
   a = min(v);
   return( sqrt(a##2 + b##2) );

Save the RightTriangle.iml file. When the package is loaded, this file will be read and these functions will be defined.

Note: This procedure is experimental .