Language Reference



  • PACKAGE UNINSTALL packagename<(collection <NOWARN> <PARSETIME> )> …;

The PACKAGE UNINSTALL statement is experimental in SAS/IML 14.1. The PACKAGE UNINSTALL statement uninstalls a package that is installed in the specified collection.

You must specify the following argument:


specifies the name of the package. You can specify multiple names in a single statement.

You can also specify the following options in parentheses:


requests that only the specified collection be searched for the package to uninstall. Valid values for collection are PRIVATE and PUBLIC. By default, the PACKAGE UNINSTALL statement looks for the package in the PRIVATE collection. If you have administrative privileges to uninstall a package in the PUBLIC collection, you can specify the PUBLIC collection in parentheses after the package name. You cannot uninstall a package in the SYSTEM collection.


requests that no warning message be reported if the specified package is not installed.


requests that the package be installed at parse time, rather than at run time. This option applies only to IMLPLUS programs in the SAS/IML Studio environment.

For example, if the Pkg1 package is installed in the PRIVATE collection, the following statement uninstalls the package from that collection:

package uninstall Pkg1;