Language Reference

Control Statements

CALL statement

calls a subroutine or function

DO statement

groups statements as a unit

DO statement, iterative

iteratively executes a DO group

DO UNTIL statement

iteratively executes statements until a condition is satisfied

DO WHILE statement

iteratively executes statements while a condition is satisfied

END statement

ends a DO loop or DO statement

FREE statement

frees matrix storage space

GOTO statement

jumps to a new statement

IF-THEN/ELSE statement

conditionally executes statement

LINK statement

jumps to another statement

MATTRIB statement

associates printing attributes with matrices

PRINT statement

prints matrix values

REMOVE statement

removes matrices from storage

RESET statement

sets processing options

RUN statement

executes statements in a module

SHOW statement

prints system information

SOUND call

produces a tone


performs indirect assignment

VALUE function

retrieves values by indirect reference