MAD Function


MAD (x <, method> ) ;

The MAD function computes the univariate (scaled) median absolute deviation of each column of the input matrix.

The arguments to the MAD function are as follows:


is an $n \times p$ input data matrix.


is an optional string argument with the following values:


for computing the median absolute deviation (MAD); this is the default.


for computing the normalized version of MAD


for computing $S_ n$


for computing $Q_ n$

For simplicity, the following descriptions assume that the input argument x is a column vector. The notation $x_ i$ means the $i$th element of the column vector x.

The MAD function can be used for computing one of the following three robust scale estimates:

  • median absolute deviation (MAD) or normalized form of MAD,

    \[  \mbox{MAD}_ n = b * med_ i^ n \;  |x_ i - med_ j^ n \;  x_ j|  \]

    where $b=1$ is the unscaled default and $b=1.4826$ is used for the scaled version (consistency with the Gaussian distribution).

  • $S_ n$, which is a more efficient alternative to MAD,

    \[  S_ n = c_ n * med_ i \;  med_{j \neq i} \;  |x_ i - x_ j|  \]

    where the outer median is a low median (order statistic of rank $\left[\frac{n+1}{2}\right]$) and the inner median is a high median (order statistic of rank $\left[\frac{n}{2}+1\right]$), and where $c_ n$ is a scalar that depends on sample size $n$.

  • $Q_ n$ is another efficient alternative to MAD. It is based on the $k$th-order statistic of the ${n \choose 2}$ inter-point distances,

    \[  Q_ n = d_ n * \{  |x_ i - x_ j|; \quad i < j \} _{(k)} \quad \mbox{with} \quad k \approx {n \choose 2}/ 4  \]

    where $d_ n$ is a scalar similar to but different from $c_ n$. See Rousseeuw and Croux (1993) for more details.

The scalars $c_ n$ and $d_ n$ are defined as follows:

\[  c_ n = 1.1926 * \left\{  \begin{array}{ll} 0.743 &  \mbox{for n=2} \\ 1.851 &  \mbox{for n=3} \\ 0.954 &  \mbox{for n=4} \\ 1.351 &  \mbox{for n=5} \\ 0.993 &  \mbox{for n=6} \\ 1.198 &  \mbox{for n=7} \\ 1.005 &  \mbox{for n=8} \\ 1.131 &  \mbox{for n=9} \\ n/(n - 0.9) &  \mbox{for other odd n} \\ 1.0 &  \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \qquad d_ n = 2.2219 * \left\{  \begin{array}{ll} 0.399 &  \mbox{for n=2} \\ 0.994 &  \mbox{for n=3} \\ 0.512 &  \mbox{for n=4} \\ 0.844 &  \mbox{for n=5} \\ 0.611 &  \mbox{for n=6} \\ 0.857 &  \mbox{for n=7} \\ 0.669 &  \mbox{for n=8} \\ 0.872 &  \mbox{for n=9} \\ n/(n + 1.4) &  \mbox{for other odd n} \\ n/(n + 3.8) &  \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right. \qquad  \]


The following example uses the univariate data set of Barnett and Lewis (1978). The data set is used in Chapter 12 to illustrate the univariate LMS and LTS estimates.

 b = {3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 949, 951};

 rmad1 = mad(b);
 rmad2 = mad(b,"mad");
 rmad3 = mad(b,"nmad");
 rmad4 = mad(b,"sn");
 rmad5 = mad(b,"qn");
 print "Default MAD=" rmad1,
       "Common MAD =" rmad2,
       "MAD*1.4826 =" rmad3,
       "Robust S_n =" rmad4,
       "Robust Q_n =" rmad5;

Figure 24.201: Median Absolute Deviations

Default MAD= 4

Common MAD = 4

MAD*1.4826 = 5.9304089

Robust S_n = 7.143674

Robust Q_n = 5.7125049