Example 9.5 Categorical Linear Models

This example fits a linear model to a function of the response probabilities

\[  \mb {K} \log \pi = \mb {X \beta } + \epsilon  \]

where $\mb {K}$ is a matrix that compares each response category to the last category.

First, the Grizzle-Starmer-Koch approach (Grizzle, Starmer, and Koch, 1969) is used to obtain generalized least squares estimates of $\mb {\beta }$. These form the initial values for the Newton-Raphson solution for the maximum likelihood estimates. The CATMOD procedure can also be used to analyze these binary data (Cox, 1970).

proc iml ;
/* Subroutine to compute new probability estimates   */
/* Last column not needed since sum of each row is 1 */
start prob(x, beta, q);
   la = exp(x*shape(beta,0,q));
   pi = la / ((1+la[,+])*repeat(1,1,q));
   return( colvec(pi) );
finish prob;

/* Categorical Linear Models                    */
/* by Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood      */
/*  Input:                                      */
/*     n the s by p matrix of response counts   */
/*     x the s by r design matrix               */
start catlin(n, x);
   s = nrow(n);                     /* number of populations */
   r = ncol(n);                       /* number of responses */
   q = r-1;                     /* number of function values */
   d = ncol(x);               /* number of design parameters */
   qd = q*d;                   /* total number of parameters */

   /* initial (emprical) probability estimates */
   rown = n[,+];                               /* row totals */
   pr = n/rown;                     /* probability estimates */
   print pr[label="Initial Probability Estimates"];

   /* function of probabilities */
   p = colvec(pr[,1:q]);         /* cut and shaped to vector */
   f = log(p) - log(pr[,r])@repeat(1,q,1);

   /* estimate by the GSK method */
   /* inverse covariance of f    */
   si = (diag(p)-p*p`) # (diag(rown)@repeat(1,q,q));
   z = x@I(q);                     /* expanded design matrix */
   h = z`*si*z;                      /* crossproducts matrix */
   g = z`*si*f;                              /* cross with f */
   beta = solve(h,g);              /* least squares solution */
   stderr = sqrt(vecdiag(inv(h)));        /* standard errors */
   pi = prob(x, beta, q);
   est = beta || stderr;
   pr = shape(pi, 0, q);
   print est[colname={"beta" "stderr"} label="GSK Estimates"], pr;

   /* ML solution   */
   crit = 1;
   do it = 1 to 8 while(crit>.0005);/* iterate until converge*/
      /* block diagonal weighting  */
      si = (diag(pi)-pi*pi`) #( diag(rown)@repeat(1,q,q));
      g = z`*(rown@repeat(1,q,1)#(p-pi));        /* gradient */
      h = z`*si*z;                                /* hessian */
      delta = solve(h,g);  /* correction via Newton's method */
      beta = beta+delta;             /* apply the correction */
      pi = prob(x, beta, q);       /* compute prob estimates */
      crit = max(abs(delta));       /* convergence criterion */
   stderr = sqrt(vecdiag(inv(h)));        /* standard errors */
   est = beta || stderr;
   pr = shape(pi, 0, q);
   print est[colname={"beta" "stderr"} label="ML Estimates"], pr;
   print it[label="Iterations"]  crit[label="Criterion"];
finish catlin;

The following statements call the CATLIN module to analyze data from Kastenbaum and Lamphiear (1959):

/* frequency counts*/
n= { 58 11 05,
     75 19 07,
     49 14 10,
     58 17 08,
     33 18 15,
     45 22 10,
     15 13 15,
     39 22 18,
     04 12 17,
     05 15 08};

/* design matrix */
x= { 1  1  1  0  0  0,
     1 -1  1  0  0  0,
     1  1  0  1  0  0,
     1 -1  0  1  0  0,
     1  1  0  0  1  0,
     1 -1  0  0  1  0,
     1  1  0  0  0  1,
     1 -1  0  0  0  1,
     1  1 -1 -1 -1 -1,
     1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1};

run catlin(n, x);

The maximum likelihood estimates are shown in Output 9.5.1.

Output 9.5.1: Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Initial Probability Estimates
0.7837838 0.1486486 0.0675676
0.7425743 0.1881188 0.0693069
0.6712329 0.1917808 0.1369863
0.6987952 0.2048193 0.0963855
0.5 0.2727273 0.2272727
0.5844156 0.2857143 0.1298701
0.3488372 0.3023256 0.3488372
0.4936709 0.278481 0.2278481
0.1212121 0.3636364 0.5151515
0.1785714 0.5357143 0.2857143

GSK Estimates
beta stderr
0.9454429 0.1290925
0.4003259 0.1284867
-0.277777 0.1164699
-0.278472 0.1255916
1.4146936 0.267351
0.474136 0.294943
0.8464701 0.2362639
0.1526095 0.2633051
0.1952395 0.2214436
0.0723489 0.2366597
-0.514488 0.2171995
-0.400831 0.2285779

0.7402867 0.1674472
0.7704057 0.1745023
0.6624811 0.1917744
0.7061615 0.2047033
0.516981 0.2648871
0.5697446 0.2923278
0.3988695 0.2589096
0.4667924 0.3034204
0.1320359 0.3958019
0.1651907 0.4958784

ML Estimates
beta stderr
0.9533597 0.1286179
0.4069338 0.1284592
-0.279081 0.1156222
-0.280699 0.1252816
1.4423195 0.2669357
0.4993123 0.2943437
0.8411595 0.2363089
0.1485875 0.2635159
0.1883383 0.2202755
0.0667313 0.236031
-0.527163 0.216581
-0.414965 0.2299618

0.7431759 0.1673155
0.7723266 0.1744421
0.6627266 0.1916645
0.7062766 0.2049216
0.5170782 0.2646857
0.5697771 0.292607
0.3984205 0.2576653
0.4666825 0.3027898
0.1323243 0.3963114
0.165475 0.4972044

Iterations Criterion
3 0.0004092