Using the WINDOW Statement

You use the WINDOW statement to define a window, its fields, and its attributes. The general form of the WINDOW statement is as follows:

WINDOW <CLOSE=> window-name <window-options><GROUP=group-name-1 field-specs<...GROUP=group-name-n field-specs>> ;

The following options can be used with the WINDOW statement:


is used only when you want to close the window.


is a valid SAS name for the window. This name is displayed in the upper-left border of the window.


control the size, position, and other attributes of the window. You can change the attributes interactively with window commands such as WGROW, WDEF, WSHRINK, and COLOR. These options are described in the next section.


starts a repeating sequence of groups of fields defined for the window. The group-name is a valid SAS variable name used to identify a group of fields in a DISPLAY statement that occurs later in the program.


is a sequence of field specifications made up of positionals, field operands, formats, and options. These are described in the section Field Specifications.