SHOW Statement |
The SHOW statement prints system information. The following operands are available:
shows all the information included by OPTIONS, SPACE, DATASETS, FILES, and MODULES.
behaves like NAMES, but also shows names without values.
shows the names and attributes of the variables in the current SAS data set.
shows all open SAS data sets.
shows all open files.
returns the size of the largest chunk of main memory available.
shows all modules that exist in the current PROC IML environment. A module already referenced but not yet defined is listed as undefined.
shows attributes of the specified matrix. If the name of a matrix is one of the SHOW keywords, then both the information for the keyword and the matrix are shown.
shows attributes of all matrices having values. Attributes include number of rows, number of columns, data type, and size.
shows current settings of all PROC IML options (see the RESET statement).
shows the status of all paused modules that are pending resume.
shows the workspace and symbolspace size and their current usage.
shows the modules and matrices in the current PROC IML library storage.
shows all active windows opened by WINDOW statements.
An example of a valid statement follows:
show all;