GOTO Statement

GOTO label ;

The GOTO statement causes a program to jump to a new statement in the program. When the GOTO statement is executed, the program jumps immediately to the statement with the given label and begin executing statements from that point. A label is a name followed by a colon that precedes an executable statement.

GOTO statements are often clauses of IF-THEN statements. For example, the following statements use a GOTO statement to iterate until a condition is satisfied:

start Iterate;
   x = 1;
   if x > 10 then 
      goto TheEnd;
   x = x + 1;
   goto TheStart;

   TheEnd: print x;

run Iterate;

Figure 23.124 Iteration by Using the GOTO Statement

The function of GOTO statements is usually better performed by DO groups. For example, the preceding statements could be better written as follows:

x = 1;
do until(x > 10);
   x = x + 1;

print x;

Figure 23.125 Avoiding the GOTO Statement

As good programming practice, you should avoid using a GOTO statement that refers to a label that precedes the GOTO statement; otherwise, an infinite loop is possible. You cannot use a GOTO statement to jump out of a module; use the RETURN statement instead.