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Time Series Analysis and Examples


TIMSAC routines are controlled by the following statements:

CALL TSBAYSEA (trend, season, series, adjust, abic, data <,order, sorder, rigid, npred, opt, cntl, print>) ;
CALL TSDECOMP (comp, est, aic, data <,xdata, order, sorder, nar, npred, init, opt, icmp, print>) ;
CALL TSMLOCAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, finish, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print>) ;
CALL TSMLOMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, finish, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print>) ;
CALL TSMULMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print>) ;
CALL TSPEARS (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print>) ;
CALL TSPRED (forecast, impulse, mse, data, coef, nar, nma <,ev, npred, start, constant>) ;
CALL TSROOT (matout, matin, nar, nma <,qcoef, print>) ;
CALL TSTVCAR (arcoef, variance, est, aic, data <,nar, init, opt, outlier, print>) ;
CALL TSUNIMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print>) ;
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