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Storage Features

Storing Matrices and Modules

You can save modules or matrices in the storage catalog by using the STORE command. The STORE command has the same general form as the LOAD command. Several examples of valid STORE statements are as follows:

   store a b c;                    /* store matrices A, B, and C   */
   store module=mymod1;            /* store module MYMOD1          */
   store module=(mymod1 mymod2) a; /* storing modules and matrices */

The special operand _ALL_ can be used to store all matrices or modules. For example, if you want to store everything, use the following statement:

   store _all_ module=_all_;

Alternatively, to store everything, you can also enter the STORE command by itself, as follows:


This can help you to save your complete IML environment before exiting an IML session. Then you can use the LOAD statement in a subsequent session to restore the environment and resume your work.

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