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Submitting SAS Statements

Differences between the SUBMIT Statement in PROC IML and in SAS/IML Studio

This section lists differences between the SUBMIT statement as implemented in IMLPlus (the programming language used in SAS/IML Studio) and the SUBMIT statement in PROC IML:

  • In PROC IML, macro variables that are created in a SUBMIT block are not accessible from outside the SUBMIT block. In IMLPlus, the macro variables are available.

  • In PROC IML, global SAS statements such as the LIBNAME, FILEREF, and OPTIONS statements that are created in a SUBMIT block do not affect the environment outside the SUBMIT block. In IMLPlus, librefs, filerefs, and options that are created inside the SUBMIT block continue to be defined after the ENDSUBMIT statement.

  • In PROC IML, ODS statements executed in a SUBMIT block do not affect the environment outside the SUBMIT block. In IMLPlus, ODS statements can affect subsequent output.

  • In PROC IML, a SUBMIT block clears the ODS SELECT and ODS EXCLUDE lists, even if the SUBMIT block does not contain a DATA step or a procedure call. This does not occur in IMLPlus.

  • In PROC IML, the SUBMIT statement causes a page break in some ODS destinations (such as the LISTING destination). In IMLPlus, there is no unnecessary page break.

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