Plots Tab |
You can use the Plots tab to create plots that graphically display results of the Loess analysis. (See Figure 18.4.) The raw residuals are computed as , where
indicates the variable that contains the predicted values of the response.
Creating a plot often adds one or more variables to the data table. The following plots are available:
creates a scatter plot of the X and Y variables, overlaid with a smoother.
creates a scatter plot of the Y variable versus the predicted values.
creates a scatter plot of the residuals versus the predicted values.
creates a scatter plot of the residuals versus the X variable.
creates a scatter plot of the smoothing criterion (for example, AICC) versus the smoothing parameter value for all smoothing parameter values examined in the selection process. The value that minimizes the criterion is indicated by a star-shaped marker.
Note:SAS/IML Studio adds a smoother to an existing scatter plot when both of the following conditions are satisfied:
The scatter plot is the active window when you select the analysis.
The scatter plot variables match the analysis variables.