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Exploring Data in Two Dimensions

Line Plot Properties

This section describes the Line Styles tab that is associated with a line plot. To access the line plot properties, right-click near the center of a plot, and select Plot Area Properties from the pop-up menu.

The Line Styles tab controls attributes of the lines displayed on a line plot. The Line Styles tab is shown in Figure 6.14.

The Line Styles tab contains the following UI controls:


displays each line in the plot. You can select one or more items in the list to change their properties.

(large left arrow)

applies the current set of properties to the lines selected in the Lines list. You must click the large left arrow to transfer the line attributes to the selected items in the Lines list.

Attributes: Style

sets the line style.

Attributes: Width

sets the line width.

Attributes: Color

sets the line color.

Attributes: Marker

sets the markers for the line. The default marker is the marker shown in the data table for each observation. Line markers are independent from observation markers.

Attributes: Connect observations

specifies whether the line connects adjacent observations with a line segment.

Attributes: Show observations

specifies whether observations are shown along the line.

Attributes: Sort observations

specifies whether observations along the line are sorted according to the value of the X variable.

For a discussion of the Observations tab, see the section Scatter Plot Properties. For a discussion of the remaining tabs, see Chapter 9, General Plot Properties.

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