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Multivariate Analysis: Canonical Discriminant Analysis

Method Tab

You can use the Method tab to set options in the analysis. (See Figure 29.3.) The Method tab contains the following UI controls:

Number of canonical variables

specifies the number of canonical variables. This list corresponds to the NCAN= option in the PROC DISCRIM statement.

Covariance within groups

specifies assumptions about the homogeneity of within-group covariances. This list corresponds to the POOL= option in the PROC DISCRIM statement.

Prior probability of group membership

specifies assumptions about the prior probabilities of group membership. This list corresponds to choosing either the EQUAL or PROPORTIONAL option in the PRIORS statement.

Classify observations by

specifies a method of classifying observations based on their canonical scores. This list corresponds to the CROSSVALIDATE option in the PROC DISCRIM statement.

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