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Multivariate Analysis: Canonical Correlation Analysis

Tables Tab

The Tables tab is shown in Figure 28.3. You can use the Tables tab to display the following tables that summarize the results of the analysis:

Simple statistics

specifies whether to display the mean and standard deviation for each variable. This check box corresponds to the SIMPLE option in the PROC CANCORR statement.

Correlation matrices

specifies whether to display the correlation matrices for each set of variables. This check box corresponds to the CORR option in the PROC CANCORR statement.

Multivariate statistics

specifies whether to display a table of multivariate statistics and approximations.

Canonical coefficients

specifies whether to display the raw and standardized canonical coefficients for each set of variables.

Canonical structures

specifies whether to display correlations between the canonical variables and the original variables.

Canonical redundancy analysis

specifies whether to display a canonical redundancy analysis. This check box corresponds to the REDUNDANCY option in the PROC CANCORR statement.

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