
the process of determining which users have which permissions for which resources. The outcome of the authorization process is an authorization decision that either permits or denies a specific action on a specific resource, based on the requesting user's identity and group memberships.
a mode of computer processing that does not require user interaction and which allows users to perform multiple tasks on the computer concurrently. In the SAS Information Delivery Portal, some stored processes run in the background so that you can perform other portal tasks during processing.
a colored, rectangular area that appears at the top of some Web pages. Banners typically contain titles and navigation links.
a placeholder that stores either the address and name of a document or the address of a location within a document so that you can quickly and easily return to that document or location later. In the SAS Information Delivery Portal, bookmarks refer to specific content items within the portal.
a virtual communication path for distributing information. In SAS, a channel is identified with a particular topic (just as a television channel is identified with a particular radio frequency). Using the features of the Publishing Framework, authorized users or applications can publish digital content to the channel, and authorized users and applications can subscribe to the channel in order to receive the content. See also publish and subscribe.
content administrator
See group content administrator.
custom portlet
a portlet in the SAS Information Delivery Portal that does not fit in any of the portal's standard portlet categories (collection, navigation, bookmarks, and alert). Some custom portlets simply display data, text, or graphics, and other custom portlets have interactive features.
to implement software in a distributed environment. Deployment typically involves installing, configuring, and testing software over a computing network.
group content
content that a group of portal users can access. SAS Information Delivery Portal users who are designated as group content administrators can convert their personal content to group content. Group content can be edited and deleted only by the group content administrator who created it.
group content administrator
a portal user who is authorized to share pages, portlets, and other portal content items with all portal users or with other users in a group. After an item is shared, only the group content administrator can edit or delete the item.
HTML fragment
an HTML file that does not include opening and closing HTML tags, HEAD tags, or BODY tags and which can be displayed successfully in the cell of an HTML table.
information map
a collection of data items and filters that provides a user-friendly view of a data source. When you use an information map to query data for business needs, you do not have to understand the structure of the underlying data source or know how to program in a query language.
inline frame
a browser feature that enables an HTML page to be displayed within its own rectangle anywhere on another HTML page. Inline frames are created by using the HTML IFRAME tag. When necessary, inline frames contain horizontal and vertical scrollbars to enable users to view all of the page's contents within the frame.
a word that is used to describe a content item in the SAS Information Delivery Portal. Users can enter the keyword in the portal's search tool in order to find the item.
(1) a portal content item that can be accessed using a URL; (2) a character string in a portal that you can click to initiate an action.
a value that reflects the language, local conventions, and culture for a geographic region. Local conventions can include specific formatting rules for dates, times, and numbers, and a currency symbol for the country or region. Some examples of locale values are French_Canada, Portuguese_Brazil, and Chinese_Singapore.
navigation bar
a row of tabs or buttons on a Web page that contains links to other content. In the SAS Information Delivery Portal, the navigation bar contains links to the pages in your personal portal. The navigation bar in the SAS Information Delivery Portal can appear across the top or on the left side of the browser window.
a container for data that has been generated or collected for delivery to consumers by the SAS Publishing Framework. Packages can contain SAS files (SAS catalogs; SAS data sets; various types of SAS databases, including cubes; and SAS SQL views), binary files (such as Excel, GIF, JPG, PDF, PowerPoint and Word files), HTML files (including ODS output), reference strings (such as URLs), text files (such as SAS programs), and viewer files (HTML templates that format SAS file items for viewing). Packages also contain metadata such as a description, an abstract, and user-specified name/value pairs.
an HTML file on the World Wide Web. A page is usually one of many pages that comprise a Web site.
the type of access that a user or group has to a resource. The permission defines what the user or group can do with the resource. Examples of permissions are ReadMetadata and WriteMetadata.
personal content
content that a portal user creates for his or her own use. As a portal user, you can create your own pages, your own portlets, and your own links. After you create these items, you can access them from the portal, edit them, remove them from your personal portal, use the Search tool to find them, or delete them permanently. Other portal users (other than a portal administrator) cannot access your personal content.
personal portal
a portal that has been personalized for or by a specific user.
the process of customizing a Web application or page to meet the needs and preferences of an individual user.
a Web application that enables users to access Web sites, data, documents, applications, and other digital content from a single, easily accessible user interface. A portal's personalization features enable each user to configure and organize the interface to meet individual or role-based needs. See also portlet.
a Web component that is managed by a Web application and that is aggregated with other portlets to form a page within the application. Portlets can process requests from the user and generate dynamic content.
predefined page
a portal page that has already been created. Predefined pages might include public pages, which are available to all users; pages that have been shared with a group of users; and pages that you created.
predefined portlet
a portlet that has already been created. Predefined portlets might include public portlets, which are available to all users; portlets that have been shared with a group of users; and portlets that you created.
public content
content that all SAS Information Delivery Portal users can access. Users who are designated as group content administrators can use the portal's share tool to convert their personal content to public content. Public content can be edited and deleted only by the group content administrator who created it.
publication channel
an information repository that has been established using the SAS Publishing Framework and that can be used to publish information to users and applications. See also publish.
to deliver electronic information, such as SAS files (including SAS data sets, SAS catalogs, and SAS data views), other digital content, and system-generated events to one or more destinations. These destinations can include e-mail addresses, message queues, publication channels and subscribers, WebDAV-compliant servers, and archive locations.
Publishing Framework
a component of SAS Integration Technologies that enables both users and applications to publish SAS files (including data sets, catalogs, and database views), other digital content, and system- generated events to a variety of destinations. The Publishing Framework also provides tools that enable both users and applications to receive and process published information.
a graph or text that is generated by running a report definition.
a location in which data is stored, organized, and maintained and which is accessible to users either directly or through a network.
SAS Information Map
See information map.
SAS publication channel
See publication channel.
SAS report
a report that has been stored in the SAS Report Model format. A SAS report might be available for viewing in the portal if your organization has installed SAS Web Report Studio.
SAS Stored Process
a SAS program that is stored in a central location and that can be executed from the SAS Information Delivery Portal at the user's request. When a stored process is executed, it creates a report that includes the most current data that is available. Stored processes can display input forms that enable users to customize the contents of reports.
to make a SAS Information Delivery Portal item accessible to all portal users or to all users in a specific group. Authorized users can share pages, portlets, and some content items such as links and applications.
stored process
See SAS Stored Process.
stored process alert
an automatic notification that a SAS Stored Process has finished executing in the background. See also SAS Stored Process.
to sign up to receive electronic content that is published to a SAS publication channel.
a recipient of information that is published to a SAS publication channel.
subscriber profile
a set of personal preferences for subscribing to SAS publication channels. A subscriber profile includes the method by which you want published information to be delivered and filtering criteria (in the form of name/value pairs) to limit the types of information that you receive. You can create multiple subscriber profiles if you want to subscribe to channels in different ways.
syndication channel
a channel that provides syndicated, continuously updated Web content from a content provider.
a collection of specifications (for example, colors, fonts, and font styles) and graphics that control the appearance of an application.
Uniform Resource Locator
a character string that is used by a Web browser or other software application to access or identify a resource on the Internet or on an intranet. The resource could be a Web page, an electronic image file, an audio file, a JavaServer page, or any other type of electronic object. The full form of a URL specifies which communications protocol to use for accessing the resource, as well as the directory path and filename of the resource. Short form: URL.
See Uniform Resource Locator.
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that enables users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote Web servers. Short form: WebDAV.
See Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning.
WebDAV repository
a collection of files that are stored on a Web server so that authorized users can read and edit them. See also Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning.