Accessibility Features in SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3


SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3 has been tested against the accessibility standards for electronic information technology that were adopted by the U.S. Government under Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (2008 draft proposal initiative update). It was also tested against Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 levels A and AA, part of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C). For detailed information about the accessibility of this product, send e-mail to or call SAS Technical Support.

Documentation Format

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Browser Accessibility Features

For information about the accessibility features of the browser used to access the portal, use the browser Help function to locate the topics about accessibility. To find out which browsers are supported for SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3, visit the SAS third-party support web page at:

Standard Keyboard Navigation

SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3 can be navigated by using the keyboard. The following table includes some guidelines.
Standard Keyboard Navigation Controls
Keyboard Control
Move forward through controls
Move backward through controls
Display the contents of drop-down lists
Alt+Down Arrow
Scroll through the contents of drop-down lists
Down Arrow and Up Arrow
Activate buttons, icons, links, menu selections, and list items when they have focus
Select check boxes when they have focus
Select a different radio button when a radio button has focus
Down Arrow, Up Arrow, Right Arrow, and Left Arrow

Known Issue with the Actions Menu

SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3 contains the following known issue with the navigation of drop-down menus. This issue applies to the Actions menu icon ( Actions menu icon ) that appears on the search results page.
When you first open the Actions menu, you cannot use the keyboard to navigate through the menu items.
After you open the menu, press Tab (or Shift+Tab) to navigate through other controls in the window. When focus returns to the drop-down menu, you can navigate through the menu items by pressing Tab. To select the menu item that is highlighted, press Enter.

Skip Navigation Links for Firefox Browser

For Mozilla Firefox, SAS Information Delivery Portal includes two invisible links that enable you to bypass menus and go directly to the unique content in the window.
The Skip Banner link enables you to skip the banner menu items.
The Skip Tab Menu link enables you to skip the navigation bar.