Unshare a Page

If a page has been shared, then you can unshare it if you are a group content administrator for the group with which the page is shared.
After you unshare a page, the users in the group will no longer see the page in their navigation bars.
To unshare a page, follow these steps:
  1. Use one of the following methods to display the Edit Page Properties page:
    • Navigate to the page that you want to unshare, and then click Optionsthen selectEdit Page Properties.
    • Click Search, and search for the page that you want to unshare. For details about searching, see Search for Content.
      When the page name appears on the search results page, click the action menu action menu icon in the first column, and select Edit.
  2. On the Edit Page Properties page, make the following entries:
    Location (group)
    Select Not shared.
    Move the following items to the specified share location
    This prompt appears only if the page contains portlets that are also shared with the group. The portlets are listed in the box below the prompt. If the portlets contain any links, applications, or syndication channels that are shared with the group, then those items are also listed.
    If you want to unshare all of the listed items, click the check box.
    Note: If you want to unshare only some of the listed items, you can do so by editing their individual properties. See Unshare a Portlet or Unshare an Application, Link, or Syndication Channel.
  3. Click OK.