OLE Automation Method
invokes a method supported by the OLE automation server and returns a value
invokes a method supported by the OLE automation server (with no return value)
retrieves the value of a property exposed by the OLE automation server
returns the reference identifier of an object provided by the OLE automation server
returns an object's ERROR status
assigns an SCL identifier to an external instance of an OLE automation server
sets the value of a property exposed by the OLE automation server
list=makelist(); /* create the SCL list */ /* Add a Listbox in a worksheet */ call send(worksht, '_COMPUTE_', 'Listboxes', listbox); call send(listbox, '_DO_', 'Add', 20, 50, 40, 100); call send(worksht, '_COMPUTE_', 'Listboxes', 1, listone); /* Fill the Listbox with a range of */ /* values from the worksheet */ call send(listone, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'ListFillRange', 'A1:A3'); /* Get the contents of the Listbox */ call send(listone, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'List', list);
Init: /* Initialization */ HostClass = loadclass('sashelp.fsp.hauto'); /* Instantiate the Excel object and make it visible */ call send (Hostclass, '_NEW_', ExcelObj, 0, 'Excel.Application'); call send (ExcelObj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Visible', -1); /* Get the Workbook Object, add a new Sheet and get the Sheet object */ call send (ExcelObj, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'Workbooks', WkBkObj); call send (WkBkObj, '_DO_', 'Add'); call send (ExcelObj, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'ActiveSheet', WkShtObj); dcl char names{3,2) = ('Lucy', 'Ricky', 'Julliette', 'Romeo', 'Elizabeth', 'Richard'); /* Set the range to be A1:A4 and fill that range with names */ call send(WkShtObj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Range', 'A1', 'B3', RangeObj); call send(RangeObj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value', names); dcl num primes{2,4} = ( 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 23); /* Set the range to be A5:D6 and fill that range with ints values */ call send(WkShtObj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Range', 'A5', 'D6', RangeObj); call send(RangeObj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value', primes); dcl char totals{1,4} = ('=SUM(A5,A6)', '=SUM(B5,B6)', '=SUM(C5,C6)', '=SUM(D5,D6)'); /* Set the range to be A1:A4 and fill that range with totals */ call send(WkShtObj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Range', 'A7', 'D7', RangeObj); call send(RangeObj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value', totals); dcl char vals{7,4}; call send(WkShtObj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Range', 'A5', 'D7', RangeObj); call send(RangeObj, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'Value', vals); return;
call notify('sascombo', '_set_property_', '', 'An excellent choice');is equivalent to:
call notify ('sascombo', '_set_property_', 'Text', 'An excellent choice');
call send(chart, '_DO_', 'ChartWizard', hcell, -4098, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, "Automation at work!", 'Column', 'Value', 'Row');
call send(chart, '_DO_', 'ChartWizard', hcell, ., ., ., ., ., ., "Automation at work!", ., ., .);
and associates the object with
Microsoft Excel (which has the identifier Excel.Application
the Windows registry) on the local machine. call send(hostcl, '_NEW_', oleauto, 0, 'Excel.Application');
Init: HostClass = loadclass('sashelp.fsp.hauto'); ExcelObj = 0; /* Define the machine name and put it in a list */ machineName = '\\Aladdin'; inslist = makelist(); attrlist = makelist (); rc = insertc (attrlist, machineName, -1, 'remoteServer'); rc = insertl (inslist, attrlist, -1, '_ATTRS_'); /* Instantiate the Excel object and make it visible */ call send (HostClass, '_NEW_',ExcelObj, inslist, 'Excel.Application'); call send (ExcelObj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Visible', -1); return;
SAS OLE Objects
SAS OLE Automation Objects
Are derived from the Widget class.
Are derived from the Object class.
Have a visual component (the object that you place in the FRAME entry).
Have no visual component within the FRAME entry.
Are created by placing the object in a region in the FRAME entry (using drag and drop).
Are created by using
the LOADCLASS statement and the _NEW_ method in SCL.
Represent the specific type of data object (which you choose) supported by the OLE
Represent the top-level application object supported by the OLE server, which you
then might use to open objects of specific data types.
Enable you to call methods with CALL NOTIFY by passing in the object name from the
FRAME entry.
Require you to call methods with CALL SEND, passing in the object identifier returned
by the _NEW_, _GET_PROPERTY_, or _COMPUTE_ methods.
SCL Code
Load an instance of the OLE Automation class and invoke Excel. Set the object to
Visible, so you can see the automation in progress.
LAUNCHXL: hostcl = loadclass('sashelp.fsp.hauto'); call send(hostcl, '_NEW_', excelobj, 0, 'Excel.Application'); call send(excelobj, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Visible', 'True'); return; |
Get the identifier for
the current Workbooks property and add a worksheet. Then get the
identifier for the new worksheet.
CREATEWS: call send(excelobj, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'Workbooks', wbsobj); call send(wbsobj, '_DO_', 'Add' ); call send(excelobj, '_GET_PROPERTY_', 'ActiveSheet', wsobj); |
Open a SAS data set.
dsid=open('sasuser.class','i'); call set(dsid); rc=fetch(dsid); nvar=attrn(dsid, 'NVARS'); nobs=attrn(dsid, 'NOBS'); |
Traverse the data set
and populate the cells of the Excel worksheet with its data, row
by row.
do col=1 to nvar; call send(wsobj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Cells',1,col,retcell); var=varname(dsid,col); call send(retcell,'_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value',var); end; do while (rc ne -1); do row = 1 to nobs; do col = 1 to nvar; r=row+1; call send (wsobj, '_COMPUTE_', 'Cells', r ,col,retcell); if vartype(dsid,col) eq 'N' then do; varn=getvarn(dsid,col); call send(retcell, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value' ,varn); end; else do; varc=getvarc(dsid,col); call send(retcell, '_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value' ,varc); end; end; rc=fetch(dsid); end; end; dsid=close(dsid); return; |
Close the worksheet and end the Excel session. The _TERM_ method deletes the OLE
automation instance.
QUITXL: call send(excelobj,'_GET_PROPERTY_', 'ActiveWorkbook', awbobj); call send(awbobj, '_DO_', 'Close', 'False'); call send(excelobj, '_DO_', 'Quit'); call send(excelobj, '_TERM_'); return; |
Visual Basic Code
OLE Automation in SCL
Excel and make it visible
Set excelobj = CreateObject("Excel.Application") excelobj.Visible = True |
hostcl = loadclass('sashelp.fsp.hauto'); call send ( hostcl, '_NEW_', excelobj, 0, 'Excel.Application'); call send (excelobj,'_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Visible','True'); |
a new worksheet
Dim wbsobj, wsobj As Object Set wbsobj = excelobj.Workbooks wbsobj.Add Set wsobj = excelobj.ActiveSheet |
call send(excelobj,'_GET_PROPERTY_', 'Workbooks', wbsobj); call send(wbsobj, '_DO_', 'Add'); call send(excelobj,'_GET_PROPERTY_', 'ActiveSheet', wsobj ); |
the value of a cell
wsobj.Cells(row + 1, col).Value =var |
r=row+1; call send(wsobj,'_COMPUTE_', 'Cells', r, col, retcell); call send(retcell,'_SET_PROPERTY_', 'Value' ,var); |
Close the Excel application object
excelobj.ActiveWorkbook.Close ("False") excelobj.Quit |
call send(excelobj,'_GET_PROPERTY_', 'ActiveWorkbook', awbobj); call send(awbobj, '_DO_', 'Close', 'False'); call send(excelobj,'_DO_', 'Quit'); call send(excelobj,'_TERM_'); |